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February 2020 Archives

cell-phones-and-cars-just-dont-mix Brian O Sutter Mar/31/2020 Brian O Sutter

Cell Phones And Cars Just Don't Mix

Sure, a smartphone can make a person's life easier. They use them for all sorts of things. For example, the owner can look up reviews and the address for a restaurant online. An individual can talk, text, or video chat with friends, co-workers, and f...

preventing-slip-and-fall-injuries-for-seniors Brian O Sutter Mar/27/2020 Brian O Sutter

Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries for Seniors

Slip and fall accidents are common, but they are even more common when it comes to the senior population. So, to avoid these injuries from happening, there are a few things we can do to help the elderly prevent injuries from slip and fall accidents....

be-careful-with-documents-after-an-accident Brian O Sutter Mar/25/2020 Brian O Sutter

Be Careful With Documents After An Accident

One of the most challenging things to do in the wake of an accident is to maintain a calm, thoughtful composure. Unfortunately, as challenging as it may be to do this, it can often be one of the critical elements in helping people to avoid issues tha...

what-should-you-do-if-a-dog-attacks Brian O Sutter Mar/24/2020 Brian O Sutter

What Should You Do If A Dog Attacks?

The dog may be man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean that all dogs are friendly and just want to be petted by you, or your child. Some dogs, through abuse, negligence, or deliberate training, have been conditioned to be aggressive and attack peopl...

signing-a-waiver-is-not-ironclad Brian O Sutter Mar/23/2020 Brian O Sutter

Signing A Waiver Is Not Ironclad

Many recreational activities that people undertake always assume a certain amount of acceptable risk. Going on a hike, for example, means people are willing to accept the risk of getting lost, stumbling and becoming injured, or even encountering wild...

group_5e71445b70212 Brian O Sutter Mar/17/2020 Brian O Sutter

Post Extras


field_5e71448d6d0dc Brian O Sutter Mar/17/2020 Brian O Sutter

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workplace-injuries-and-your-recovery Corbin Sutter Mar/16/2020 Corbin Sutter

Workplace Injuries And Your Recovery

Every year, thousands of people are hurt on the job in an accident. Often, these injuries are unpredictable and can’t be avoided – they just happen. But in some cases, those who are hurt may be entitled to compensation. If your workplace accident was...

when-should-you-contact-a-lawyer Brian O Sutter Mar/12/2020 Brian O Sutter

When Should You Contact A Lawyer?

When you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, whether that is an accident on the road or on the job, or even while having fun on vacation, you should always fight for what’s right. If the negligence of someone else has caused you or a family...

when-should-you-contact-a-lawyer-2 Brian O Sutter Mar/12/2020 Brian O Sutter

When Should You Contact A Lawyer After An Accident?

When you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, whether that is an accident on the road or on the job, or even while having fun on vacation, you should always fight for what’s right. If the negligence of someone else has caused you or a family...

why-do-dogs-bite Brian O Sutter Mar/11/2020 Brian O Sutter

Why Do Dogs Bite?

For centuries, dogs have earned the reputation of being Man’s Best Friend, but, as with all friends, misunderstandings can occur. Unfortunately, when this happens between humans and dogs, it can’t be talked or reasoned out, and so one of the ways tha...

tips-to-help-you-find-the-right-injury-attorney Brian O Sutter Mar/10/2020 Brian O Sutter

Tips To Help You Find The Right Injury Attorney

Far too often, people have a negative image of attorneys. Everything from the media to a history of encounters with them can give lawyers a bad image. But the reality is that lawyers can be your best friends in certain situations. And if you’re hurt...

sample-page Brian O Sutter Mar/04/2020 Brian O Sutter

Sample Page

This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say...

5-reasons-your-works-comp-claim-was-denied Bryan Greenberg Mar/04/2020 Bryan Greenberg

5 Reasons Your Works Comp Claim Was Denied

Workers' compensation is a financial mechanism put in place to help out honest workers that are injured on the job. In theory, if you are working responsibly, not neglecting your duty or the quality of your work, and you are injured at work through n...

the-4-most-common-causes-of-motorcycle-accidents Corbin Sutter Mar/03/2020 Corbin Sutter

The 4 Most Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents

We’re fortunate in Florida to live in a part of the country where snow never arrives in winter. As a result, road conditions are generally good, and the temperature is forgiving enough that people who ride motorcycles can enjoy the use of their vehic...

the-ten-most-dangerous-jobs Brian O Sutter Mar/02/2020 Brian O Sutter

The Ten Most Dangerous Jobs For Worker Injuries

Most Americans will get a job and earn a living, making an honest day’s dollar for an honest day’s work. Unfortunately, some jobs have a higher element of risk than others. While a typical white-collar office job, for example, will introduce a relati...

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