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Brain Injury Articles

traumatic-brain-injuries-the-silent-accident-injury Brian O Sutter Feb/21/2019 Brian O Sutter

Traumatic Brain Injuries: The Silent Accident Injury

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are one of the most serious and deadly injuries sustained after an accident. However, because of the nature TBI, many people don’t realize they have developed an issue until it is too late. In personal injury law, that...

traumatic-brain-injury-and-your-rights Brian O Sutter Aug/31/2017 Brian O Sutter

Traumatic Brain Injury And Your Rights

Few injuries are as serious or potentially life-altering as a traumatic brain injury. Sometimes called TBI for short or just 'brain injury', a traumatic brain injury is just what it sounds like - damage done to the brain that was caused by the outrig...

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