10 Things To Never Say To Your Ft. Myers Area Auto Insurance Provider

10 things to NEVER say to your Ft. Myers area auto insurance provider are:
• Accepting fault – Saying the accident was your fault, or could have been your fault, is something that should never be said during your claims call. This is a phrase that can be used against you.
• Apologizing – Apologizing is a roundabout way of admitting fault, even if you’re simply apologizing to be polite. An apology can be taken as an admittance of fault and used against you later in your claim.
• I think or I might – When speaking with your insurance provider, it’s important to stick to the facts and only the facts. Saying “I think” or “I might” could be used to argue the clarity of your claim. If you don’t know a factual answer to a question in the moment, it’s best to not answer it at all.
• You’re uninjured – If you’re speaking to your insurance provider before being examined by a medical team, it’s important to not make any claims about your injuries or lack thereof. You may feel uninjured now but find later that you have suffered an injury. Saying that you “feel fine” could jeopardize your claim.
• Giving names – Giving names may lead your insurance provider to contact witnesses, family, or passengers in the vehicle. These individuals may not know what to say or what not to say to an insurance provider and this could put your claim at risk.
• Too many details – Giving too many details to your insurance provider may give them pieces of information to use against you that they don’t really need. Before detailing the accident, speak with a skilled auto accident lawyer in Ft. Myers first.
• I don’t have an attorney – Telling an insurance provider that you don’t have an attorney can give them an opportunity to use tougher strategies against you. It’s best to obtain the assistance of an auto accident lawyer, but if you don’t have an attorney yet it shouldn’t be mentioned to your insurance agent.
• Recorded statements – You are not obligated to provide recorded statements after an auto accident in Ft. Myers. Recorded statements provided to insurance companies may be cross-checked to look for any small inconsistency in order to deny your claim.
• Claimed injuries – Claiming injuries like whiplash, sprains, or strains before being investigated by a medical professional can put your claim at risk. If you believe you have a sprain in your wrist, you tell your insurance provider about the sprain, and the sprain turns out to be a broken bone the inconsistency can put your rightful claim at risk.
• You’re ready to accept – Telling your insurance provider that you’re quickly ready to accept a claim could lead them to take advantage. Accepting too early can leave you with a smaller settlement than what you’re entitled to.