2 Everyday Situations That May Put You In Need Of An Accident Lawyer

Florida is a premises liability state, which basically means that property owners are responsible for certain damages that occur on their premises. Slips, trips, falls, dog bites, and countless other items can land into this category. If it can be proven that another person acted negligently, and these reckless behaviors caused the injuries, the other party may be able to seek restitution in the form of monetary compensation. Our accident lawyer has over 30-years of service representing southwest Florida residents. The firm offers free case reviews, and personal injury cases are paid on a contingency fee basis. In layman's terms, we only receive payment if you win. Don't hinder your recovery by not having money to pay for medical and physical therapist bills. Instead, put a winning team on your side, and let us fight for what you deserve.
2 Situations That Can Cause Injuries
- A Slip And Fall While Walking Through A Parking Lot
Some things can not be helped. Rain, ice, and snow cause pavement to become slick, and if a person is not careful, they can quickly take a tumble. That is not to say that they can not receive compensation for injuries that happen due to these elements, but for these purposes, poor maintenance is the issue. Potholes are nuisances. They are rough on tires, vehicles, and cause drivers and passengers to bounce around. However, when the blemishes are left unchecked, they pose a danger to individuals just walking into the business. If caution signs are not put in place, and unsuspecting pedestrian can easily lose their footing and fall to the ground. Damages will include anything from minor sprains, broken bones, or if the person hits just right, even a traumatic brain injury. Failing to provide adequate upkeep to the area is a recipe for disaster, and one that could land the property owner in hot water. Remain aware of your surroundings to try and avoid such incidents, but if an accident does occur, know that we are here to help. - The Family Pet Bites A Friend
While various animals can scratch, bite, and leave people with injuries, dogs are the most common pet to attack. However, it is not always the canine's fault. If it can be proven that the bitten party provoked the pooch, they may share in the blame. That is not to say that the pet owner will be let off Scot-free, but the severity of fines and punishments will likely be lessened. Regardless of how cute your extended family member is, whether they have bitten before, or how friendly you believe them to be, put them away when people come over to visit. All it takes is a moment for them to strike, and recipients of the painful inflictions can become scarred for life. Aside from puncture wounds, lacerations, and torn muscles, the act can cause mental trauma for both pets and friends. Avoid the entire situation whenever possible, and with any luck, you will never find yourself in the middle of a lawsuit.