2 Types Of Driver Negligence That Can Kill Pedestrians In Englewood

Wrongful deaths are today's focus, but they aren't the only outcomes produced by pedestrian vs. motor vehicle crashes. The CDC states there were an estimated 104,000 emergency room visits by pedestrians to get treated for non-fatal injuries in 2020. So, just because a person gets struck by a car doesn't mean they'll die. However, it is a possibility too.
After all, the human body isn't much of a match for a piece of heavy machinery traveling at a high rate of speed. If driver negligence is to blame for the passing of your loved one, you might be entitled to fair compensation. That's where a personal injury attorney can assist.
Why Seek Restitution?
People seek compensation via lawsuits for different reasons. For instance, some individuals hire attorneys to build cases just to hold liable parties accountable for their actions. Meanwhile, others go this route because they have no choice. When relatives receive medical care before they pass away, those bills can be thrust onto the shoulders of family members. Then, there is also the matter of the funeral cost.
If you haven't had to bury anyone recently, it's not cheap. According to the Lincoln Heritage Funeral Advantage website, the average price of a funeral in the Sunshine State is $6,500. However, the site also states that fee is on the rise. So, don't blink, or you could find yourself spending way more.
Obviously, no amount of money will make up for the loss of your loved one. However, due to issues like these, it's easy to see how fair compensation could help. Now, let's look at three types of negligence that can cause pedestrian accidents and wrongful deaths. But don't go away because we're going to tell you who to contact for legal assistance if it's needed after that.
Texting And Driving
One study says that at any given time, there are 660,000 motorists using cell phones while driving. When people take their eyes off the road for mere seconds, that is a dangerous game. They could hop a curb and hit a pedestrian, killing them on the spot. Then again, drivers might run down people using crosswalks legally.
Driving Under The Influence
Unfortunately, people all across the United States choose to drive under the influence now and again. Sometimes, alcohol is to blame, while on other occasions, it's drugs. Regardless of the substance, driving should never be a solution when one is impaired. Their reflexes get slowed, and they can't react to situations quite as quickly as they need to.
Drunk drivers often strike pedestrians, vehicles, and more without even realizing it. They also tend to fall asleep behind the wheel. Then, it is anybody's guess as to what will happen, but if a pedestrian is nearby, he or she could get hit by the car and die.
Do You Need Legal Representation?
Has one of your relatives recently been struck and killed by a negligent driver? If so, and you'd like to see if you're entitled to fair compensation, you've come to the right place. Simply contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., and schedule a free case evaluation with an accident attorney in Englewood. The professional will help you determine if a lawsuit is in your best interest and the steps you need to take if it is.