3 Factors Increasing The Number Of Motorcycle Accidents In The United States Each Year

There's no question that these crashes seem to be occurring more and more frequently these days. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA, there were nearly 5,000 motorcycle fatalities across the country in 2015 alone. That's certainly a staggering figure and one that should concern people around the nation.
For one, riders need to be wary because they could become such a statistic. Meanwhile, many families can become unsettled by the news because they could lose loved ones in incidents. But is there a reason why motorcycle accidents seem to be the norm in the modern world? Actually, there are many reasons why these crashes are happening all too often, and we'll be sharing three of them here today. Hence, if that piques your interest, please, don't go away. Instead, stick around and read on to learn more.
More Motorcycles On The Roadways
Sure, motorcycles have always had a following. However, the popularity of these vehicles has steadily increased over the years. As such, there are simply more bikes on the roads than there were in years past. In fact, Statista reveals there were 8.32 million registered bikes in the United States in 2020. That same year, 620,077 of those motorcycles called the Sunshine State home.
Therefore, as you can see, more accidents can happen, simply because there are more opportunities for them to occur than there once were. And it isn't like motorcyclists are on the roads by themselves. They must share the streets with cars, commercial trucks, and more. So, even if a rider doesn't do anything wrong, he or she could still get into an accident because of someone else.
Distracted Driving Issues
It's no secret that drivers in Ft. Myers and elsewhere can get distracted easily. For that matter, motorcyclists can also lose focus. It is of the utmost importance for people to remain aware of what's happening around them when they're motor vehicles. Yet, that can be challenging with so many things vying for their attention. Things that often pose distractions to those behind the wheel include but are not limited to:
• Cell Phones
• Passengers
• Foods/Beverages
• Applying Makeup
• Pets
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving can be defined as operating a vehicle while ignoring the safety of other individuals on the road. This issue is sometimes a criminal offense and people be charged for it. Reckless driving comes in many forms, and we are only providing some examples here. Thus, if reckless driving is to blame for your accident, the culprit could be something completely different than what we're sharing.
Exceeding the posted speed limit, tailgating, and making unsafe lane changes are all considered reckless driving. In addition, you could find yourself on the hook for this after running a red light or stop sign. Finally, other common types of reckless driving include passing in a no-passing zone or on the shoulder, driving under the influence, or operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
Some Final Thoughts
If you've been injured in a motorcycle accident because of negligence, you might be entitled to fair compensation. Also, those who lose loved ones in such crashes may have the grounds to seek restitution. Would you like to see if you have a legitimate claim in Ft. Myers? If that's the case, contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A, and schedule a free evaluation with a personal injury attorney today.