3 Things You Can Do To Reduce Premises Liability

This is especially true in the area of premises liability, a civil law that puts the burden of the legal fault and financial compensation on the property owners if an injury due to negligence occurs on that property. This means that if you’re careless about something, and someone gets hurt because of that, you’re vulnerable to a lawsuit demanding financial compensation.
There are, however, ways to reduce your vulnerability, and here are three of the most effective ways to do this.
Build & Maintain A Fence
This is especially important for homeowners that may own a dog, a swimming pool, or both. Even if a child is not invited onto your property, should they sustain an injury due to a dog bite or drowning in a swimming pool, these qualify as an “attractive nuisance.” It means that the homeowner should have realized that these things on the property would lure children, and it is their responsibility to discourage this.
This doesn’t mean homeowners must install barbed wire, but it does mean reasonable precautions, like building a fence, should make it more difficult for children to succumb to the temptation. Suppose a child can just walk unimpeded onto a property and start swimming or playing with a dog. In that case, it’s your responsibility if something happens.
Stair Maintenance
A slip and fall down stairs, or a stairwell, is often one of the most damaging injuries and the most frequent in commercial buildings. Tripping a floor usually means a fall of 4-6 feet onto a flat surface, but falling down stairs can be much higher, longer, and more serious.
People can slip and fall down stairs for many different reasons. For example, if a building’s foundation is shifting, for example, this may make steps crooked, which can affect foot/weight placement and result in a slip. On the other hand, stairwells, especially if there are no windows, require adequate lighting so people can see where they are walking. If you want to reduce the chances of a slip and fall down a flight of stairs, ensure stairs are level and there is adequate lighting.
The walkways to enter and leave a property are also a significant point of vulnerability. This is especially true for people that may have official business on your property, who aren’t technically invited, such as postal workers or couriers who need to drop off mail and packages for you.
Ensure that walkways are clear. While Florida doesn’t typically worry about issues like snow, with climate change, there’s no telling when a freak, a snowfall, or severe rainstorm may leave a walkway either full of snow or even icy if the temperature suddenly drops while the walkway is wet. Maintain these walkways.
And remember that if you’re injured as a result of premises liability, we can help. Talk to one of our attorneys for slip and fall, and see what your next move should be.