3 Ways You Could Get Into An Auto Accident In SW Florida

For example, perhaps you are driving along without a care in the world when, bam, your car has a blowout. As soon as the action happens, the vehicle jerks to the right and slams into the side of a truck. See, these types of scenarios, where you're at fault, can go on and on. However, what about when you do nothing wrong?
It's true; you could get involved in an accident in Englewood, even if you do everything right. That's because you aren't the only person on the roadways. Instead, you must share them with others, and if one of them does something reckless while you're nearby, that could be all she wrote. So, let's look at three common ways this might happen to you.
Drinking And Driving
People know how dangerous it is to consume alcohol and drive. Yet, many individuals do so anyways. That shouldn't be the case, though, as the negligent acts take lives. For instance, according to Bankrate, drunk driving is responsible for more than 10,000 deaths each year. In addition, the NHTSA reports there is one alcohol-related death every 52-minutes. Meanwhile, drinking and driving costs more than $40-billion annually when it comes to deaths and damages.
Therefore, it's easy to see how someone drinking and driving could cause you to get into a wreck in Englewood. Their negligence could leave you seriously injured. Then again, it might even cost you your life.
Drowsy/Fatigued Driving
Another way you can get into an auto accident from no fault of your own is if a drowsy driver is on the streets. If a person stayed out late the night before and didn't get a good night's sleep, that may cause them to fall asleep at the wheel. Or, what if a trucker has been traveling for what seems like an eternity? He or she didn't rested, but not as long as they were supposed to as required by law. Then, they dozed off while driving.
Issues like these can lead to head-on collisions, side-swipe crashes, rear-end strikes, and more. The point is that if a drowsy driver is part of the equation, they could make you wreck. Unfortunately, drowsy driving accidents are becoming all too common in Englewood and elsewhere.
Failure To Obey The Speed Limit
Speeding is another way someone could make you crash. Speed limit signs are posted on streets and highways to keep people safe. They aren't mere suggestions, even though many motorists view them as such. After all, how many times have you been riding down the road only to have somebody pass you as if you were sitting still? Speeding is a negligent act and one that might put you in danger.
If you are involved in an auto accident caused by another party's negligence and get seriously injured, you might have the grounds to seek compensation. But, in order to succeed in the endeavor, you'll need to prove that negligence occurred. That can be a pretty tall order when you go it alone, but thankfully, if you're near Englewood, you don't have to face such situations on your own. Instead, you can hire an auto accident lawyer from All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. They'll represent you in the matter and fight for the compensation you deserve. So, contact us to schedule a free case evaluation today.