4 Safe Driving Tips To Help Englewood Drivers Avoid Crashes

When negligence occurs, it is not uncommon for auto accidents to follow. We will provide some examples here to give you an idea of what actions are considered negligent. Speeding is a form of negligence, and so is driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Becoming distracted while behind the wheel by, let's say, a cell phone is a type of negligence as well. The list can go on and on, but you probably get the gist, so we'll move forward.
If a reckless driver causes a crash and leaves you seriously injured, you might be entitled to fair compensation. Their insurance company should distribute a settlement that you can use to fix your car and pay medical bills. However, that isn't always the case. Many times, insurers won't pay, putting accident victims in a bind. Don't let that happen to you. Instead, give us a call.
Our firm offers free consultations, and clients only owe fees when they win. Doesn't that sound like a win-win situation? Let our accident attorney fight for what you're owed while you concentrate on the most important thing, your health. Now that Englewood citizens know who to call when insurance companies give them the run-around, it's time to discuss some safe driving tips. With any luck, the pointers will help them avoid wrecks altogether.
Obey Posted Speed Limits
Driving above the speed limit is a common practice these days. How many times have you been on the street only to have someone pass you like you're sitting still? Unfortunately, the answer is probably too many times to count. That doesn't mean you should follow suit, though. According to Value Penguin, speeding is the leading cause of fatal auto accidents in the US. Hence, if you want to avoid such incidents, take your time, and drive the speed limit.
Wait To Text Or Make Calls
People can get distracted easily by their cell phones while driving. When texts or calls come through, they often feel as if they need to reply or answer them right then and there. When doing so, their attention gets diverted elsewhere. Not to mention, sometimes their eyes look away from the road as well. Then, in the blink of an eye, these drivers are involved in accidents before they even realize it. Keep crashes at bay by waiting until your car is parked somewhere safe before texting or making calls.
Don't Get Behind The Wheel Buzzed
Alcohol and drugs can make people feel like they can do no wrong. Even if a buzzed driver is weaving in and out of lanes of traffic or hugging the white line, they will probably believe they are doing fine. Some intoxicated drivers also speed, while others drive under the speed limit. These issues can lead to accidents, so don't get behind the wheel after using drugs or consuming alcohol if you want to avoid them.
Practice Defensive Driving
It isn't always possible to anticipate what every driver will do. However, it is in your best interest to try. You should expect the unexpected on the roadways and give yourself a nice cushion from other cars. Then, if another Englewood driver does something out of the ordinary, you can make adjustments so that a crash doesn't come to fruition.