5 Ways To Teach Your Teen To Drive Safely In Florida

On the other hand, they also have far less experience than many other people sharing the roadways. That inexperience can prove disastrous for some younger drivers.
Today, we will go over 5 ways to teach your teen to drive safely in Florida. In doing so, they can ignore any peer pressure while driving and keep themselves and others on the road safe at all times.
Driving Lessons
Even if they have already gone through a drivers education program, it never hurts to enroll them in a few more classes, including those for defensive driving. This is just another way they can continue building their skills and gaining experience. It also allows them to develop better habits early on.
Teen And Parent Agreement
Some parents choose to sign an agreement with their teen that says the latter will act responsibly. That means not driving while under the influence, not driving distracted, and not engaging in other dangerous behavior while behind the wheel. It is good to set limits and boundaries for your teen right away and let them know that there will be consequences if the agreement is broken.
Be A Role Model
Your teens pay attention to what you do, so be a role model when it comes to good behavior behind the wheel. They quickly take notice of your driving habits and sometimes are not even aware of it. You can be the first line of defense when it comes to raising and teaching a safe driver.
Free Pass
Teenagers will be teenagers, which means there are times when they may find themselves in risky situations. Instead of worrying about them getting behind the wheel when they are upset or have just left a party, give them a free pass to call you, no questions asked. This way, you can safely bring your teen home, and there will be no repercussions because they called instead of engaging in risky behavior behind the wheel.
Vehicle Safety
Finally, take the time to teach your teen other vehicle safety measures, such as changing a tire and checking the fluids. In addition, tell them what to do if they find themselves in high wind or rainy driving conditions. They must learn what they can about their vehicle so if an unexpected situation arises, they will be able to keep themselves out of harm’s way.
The general orientation regarding the vehicle should include:
• Learning how to change a flat tire
• Making sure all the seat belts fasten properly
• Knowing how to fuel the vehicle
• Checking the tire pressure
• Using the lights appropriately
• Understanding what the different dashboard lights represent
It may even be a good idea in some cases for your teen to assume some of the financial responsibility for the vehicle and the costs of driving. This includes purchasing gas, getting oil changes, and paying a portion of the car insurance.
With those additional responsibilities, your teen may better understand what a privilege driving a vehicle is. What’s more, they will do everything in their power to hold on to that privilege.
However, even with these 5 ways of teaching driver safety in Florida, accidents do still happen. Suppose you find yourself in this kind of situation, and you or your teen have suffered injuries or damages as the result of another driver's negligence. In that case, you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney regarding what happened. You may be entitled to compensation.