A Bicyclist Should Take This Action If A Negligent Driver Strikes Them

Bicyclists can be found all over the Sunshine State, including right here in Sarasota. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. Individuals can save themselves some cash by not having to buy fuel or car insurance. It is also an excellent way to lose weight and build muscles. Go ahead, give it a try, and you will soon see the results in your waistline and calves.
However, biking is not always all it is cracked up to be. It can be dangerous at times too. After all, cyclists must share the roadways with car drivers, tractor-trailer operators, and motorcyclists. If one of them commits a negligent act, someone’s life may change forever, and not for the better.
Bicyclists do not have the same protections that motorists have. Their bikes are not equipped with seat belts or airbags. They do not even have roofs or doors. Thus, when they get struck by vehicles, severe injuries can enter the picture. People can also die in the events, but we will only discuss wounds in this post. Ailments vary on a case-by-case basis, but they often include the following:
• Head Trauma
• Road Rash And Lacerations
• Fractures And Broken Bones
• Paralysis
• Loss Of Limbs
Bicyclists lucky enough to escape those incidents with their lives intact are not out of the woods. They sometimes need surgeries and hospital stays. Not to mention, years of physical therapy can become part of the equation as the victims have to be able to walk, feed themselves, or do other activities again. With healthcare costs today, the price tag of recovering can get out of hand in a hurry.
The Negligent Party's Insurance Should Cover The Bills
Ideally, the negligent party's insurance company has to deal with the victim's recovery bills. However, in the real world, that is not always what happens. These organizations are notorious for denying insurance claims. They have lawyers in the wings just waiting for issues to arise. The professionals fight tooth and nail to prevent insurers from paying out fair compensation. Thankfully, Sarasota citizens do not have to take those matters lying down.
Instead, they can employ the services of All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. We have represented thousands of clients in Sarasota, Port Charlotte, and other surrounding areas for over 30 years, and we would be more than happy to do the same for you. Our attorneys build strong and solid cases via witness statements, cell phone records, driver histories, and more. They also work with various specialists to recreate accident scenes as necessary.
If you sustained injuries from a negligent driver striking your bike, do not allow an insurance company to walk all over you and do as it pleases. Put a top-notch legal team on your side and take the fight to them. The initial case evaluation is free, and clients only pay when they win. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call to discuss your options today.