A Car Accident Victim May Be Entitled To Compensation If One Of These Things Occur

Regardless of why motorists are in their vehicles, they usually share at least one thing in common. Drivers do not plan on getting into accidents when they get behind the wheel. However, even though people don't intend to be involved in wrecks, they still occur from time to time, and typically more often than one might believe. Research from Florida's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reveals that the Sunshine State was responsible for 403,626 car crashes in 2018.
That equals out to approximately 1,106 incidents per day. In those episodes, 3,135 fatalities occurred as well as 236,157 injuries. Due to every event being unique and different, wounds vary on a case by case basis. Still, though, they commonly include things such as…
• Burns
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Fractures And Broken Bones
• Deep Lacerations And Punctures
• Partial Or Full Paralysis
Should You Hire A Car Crash Lawyer?
If another driver's negligent or reckless actions were to blame for the wreck, the victim might be entitled to fair compensation. The restitution also varies from one case to the next. It tends to be calculated by things like medical expenses, lost wages, how the injury impacts the person's day to day activities, pain/suffering, and mental anguish. Unfortunately, it can be quite the tall order for an individual to navigate the Florida legal system alone, though.
A car crash lawyer is an ideal solution as he or she knows the jargon, laws, and how to prove fault. Our team obtains cell phone records, police reports, driving histories, and more to build the strongest case possible. We fight on behalf of each client to the best of our ability. In turn, they get to concentrate on their recovery while the firm works toward getting them the settlement that they deserve. Now, let's take a look at some things that are considered negligent.
Putting The Pedal To The Metal
Everybody seems to be in a hurry these days. As such, speeding is not an uncommon occurrence. It is not unusual for people doing the speed limit on the freeway to have cars passing them like they are sitting still. However, that does not make the action right. Let's say that a motorist is doing 90 MPH in a 60 MPH zone after a storm just came through. He or she could lose control of the vehicle and hit one or more cars along the way. Speed limit signs are not suggestions. Rather, they are designed to keep everyone on the roadways safe. So, if a speeding driver causes your injuries, you could very well have a case.
Talking/Texting On The Phone While Driving
Distracted driving is definitely a problem in the modern world. It is as if people are afraid they might miss something by not answering a call or text right at that very moment. Yet, it is in everybody's best interests for motorists to put their devices on do not disturb mode. If a person takes their eyes off the road for even a brief moment, lives can be changed drastically forever.
Our team uses all of the tools at our disposal to determine if distracted driving took place. Hence, don't delay any longer. Instead, contact the office and schedule your free case review today. The action will allow you to see if negligence occurred without having to break the bank.