A Closer Look At A Workers Comp Lawyer And You

Worker's compensation is designed to help ensure that you don't struggle to pay your bills and survive in the days and weeks following an on-the-job accident. However, worker's comp doesn't always do what it is supposed to do, and you may need to contact a workers comp lawyer to help you get the compensation that you deserve.
Usually, there are two main reasons you'll need a worker's comp lawyer. These are:
- Workers Compensation refuses to pay for your injuries
- Workers Compensation only pays a small portion of the costs associated with your injuries.
Each of these can be major hurdles when you're struggling to recover after an accident, and it's important that you don't immediately give up hope and assume that you have no options for help. A good attorney will help you get the compensation you're actually owed.
First, it's worth understanding why workers compensation is sometimes so hard to get. Essentially, it's because a worker's comp organization is nothing more than an insurance company, and the more payouts that they have to make, the bigger the hit to their bottom line. Add in the fact that injuries can raise the rates that employers have to pay, and it quickly becomes clear just why a worker's comp case can often be treated improperly by those handling it.
However, your worker's comp lawyer can indeed help get you the money you deserve. The first step will be to prove that you were injured on the job through no fault of your own. It's important that you be honest with your attorney so they can better understand your case and what will happen during it.
If your claim is legitimate, there are several ways that your attorney can help impact your case for the better. These include the following.
- Insurance companies are more likely to settle quickly on a worker's comp claim when you have representation, helping you get the closure you need fast so you can move on with your life.
- It's much more likely that you'll receive a settlement offer that is actually fair when you have an attorney on your side. Since they can recognize what a good, fair settlement is by factoring in things like lost wages, future potential medical costs, and more, you'll get a better settlement.
- If you're being denied a claim, an attorney could help show that you actually deserve to receive compensation and help you get that compensation from the insurance companies.
It's important to understand that worker's compensation is very different from seeking financial restitution due to negligence or recklessness at the workplace. While the two are linked, workers compensation can be awarded no matter the nature of the accident as long as it isn't caused by your own reckless or inappropriate behavior.
A good workers compensation attorney will be able to help you determine your rights, explain what options you have for seeking compensation, and help you establish your case. If you're struggling to receive compensation after a workplace accident, speaking to one is a good idea.
We can help. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We can work to get you the compensation that you're owed.