A Closer Look At Distracted Driving

A Major Issue
With the rise of mobile phones and mobile technology, more and more drivers are operating their vehicles while using their devices. And this means that many drivers on the roads today are distracted. Just something as simple as sending out a text while behind the wheel can be as dangerous as driving drunk, and studies have found that reaction times are greatly reduced when you are distracted.
Florida is no different, and recent studies have found some troubling numbers:
• Nine percent of fatal crashes were caused by distracted driving
• 44% of drivers in Florida have had at least one incident caused by distracted driving
• The average distracted driver is distracted for roughly five seconds – long enough for the vehicle to travel a distance longer than a football field.
In short, distracted driving is far more prevalent than most realize, and much more dangerous as well. And when you are injured due to distracted driving, knowing your rights is important.
The Laws In Florida
Under Florida law it is illegal to text while driving. However, Florida is like many other laws in that it does not allow officers to pull over a driver due to nothing but their texting. Instead, they must be pulled over for something else. Then, they may be written a ticket that leads to a $30 fine for the first offense.
A recent bill was introduced that would allow officers to pull drivers over for nothing more than texting was recently stopped due to fears of racial profiling, ensuring that at least for now the risk of distracted drivers in Florida will remain in place.
If you’re injured in an accident, you may have the right to seek compensation for your injuries if you can show that the other driver acted in a negligent or reckless manner. A perfect example of this is texting while driving, and if you feel that your injuries were caused by this then it’s in your best interests to talk to a Florida auto accident lawyer as soon as you can.
Filing an auto accident lawsuit is one of the first steps you’ll want to take to ensure that you are able to get the kind of compensation you need for a full recovery and that you are able to get justice for your injuries.
What If You’re Hurt?
If you’re injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, you do have rights. One of the first steps you will want to take is to seek out the help of a professional personal injury lawyer in Florida. These professionals are vital for making sure that you are able to get the restitution that you ware owed and that you can pick up the pieces of your life after an accident and make a full financial recovery – something that is often impossible without legal help.
We understand how difficult it can be to get back on your feet after an accident of any kind. That’s why we are here and ready to help you make a full recovery and move on. Contact our legal team today for your free initial consultation and to find out more about how we may be able to help you.