A Guide To Florida’s Bicycle Laws

Rules Of The Road
Florida treats bicycles the same way they treat any other vehicle on the road. So Florida law dictates that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities of drivers. These laws are laid out in Florida State Uniform Traffic Control Code under Chapter 316 Section 2065 which you can find here: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.2065.html. These laws stipulate:
- Bicycle riders need to follow all posted traffic signs and lights
- One hand must always be kept on the handlebars when riding
- Cyclists must signal within a 100 feet of intended turn
- To signal a right-hand turn, a cyclist needs to extend their left arm upward
- To signal a left-hand turn, a cyclist should stretch their right arm outward
- Bicyclists must use bike lanes
- In the case there is no bike lane, a cyclist must ride as close to the right hand side curb as possible (unless on a one way street, then they must ride as far to the left hand side curb as possible)
- If riding on the sidewalk or a crosswalk, cyclists must yield the right of way to pedestrians
If bicycle riders fail to follow these rules they can be ticketed for violations. For moving violations tickets are $52 per incident, for non-moving violations tickets are $32 per incident, and all violations for individuals under the age of 18 are $17 per incident.
Legally Requirements For Equipment
Florida also requires equipment standards for bicycle riders. These equipment standards are designed to promote safety and make sure that motor vehicle operators are aware of the presence of riders. Equipment requirements include:
- Bicycle riders must use a fixed seat for riding
- Bicycles cannot carry more one than one passenger unless specifically equipped for more than one rider (tandem bikes, child carriers, etc)
- Between sunset and sunrise, a bicycle must be equipped with a white light that is visible from 500 feet in the front and a red light visible from 600 feet in the rear
- Cyclists are not allowed to wear headphones, headsets, or earbuds when riding
- Bicycles must be equipped with brakes that allow the rider to stop within 25 feet at 10 mph
- Riders under 16 years of age must always wear a helmet
Safety Tips For Cyclists
Beyond following the laws there are a few other things Florida riders can do to stay safe including:
- Always wear a helmet even if you are older than 16
- Before riding, check and make sure your bike is in good working order. Check the brakes, tires, and gears every time you ride.
- Wear bright and reflective clothing so drivers can easily see you
- Keep an eye out for any potential hazards in the road
- Be predictable and always communicate your intentions
Safety Tips For Drivers
Since bicycle riders are difficult to see and have less protection, it is really important that motor vehicle operators are also aware of safety practices for driving around bicycles. Here are some safety tips to keep everyone safe:
- Be patient and understand the limitations of bicycles
- Always yield the right of way
- Give the cyclists plenty of space to ride and stop
- Watch for turning bicycles, most accidents happen on turns
- Be predictable and always communicate your intentions
If you follow these rules, you should be fine. However, sometimes accidents happen to the most experienced bicycle riders. If you experience an accident while riding, you need to hire a personal injury attorney, like the experienced professionals at All Injuries Law Firm. We have 30 years of experience helping bicyclists in the Florida area get the compensation they deserve so they can fix their injuries and get back on the road. So call us today for a free consultation to see how we can help you!