Car Crashes - A Leading Cause Of Death In Florida And The United States

In 2013 alone, the auto accident death rate in the United States was more than twice the average of other advanced countries. Obviously, there are different reasons why this aspect holds true. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website says one crash for every three is caused by drunk driving. Meanwhile, speeding is involved in almost 1 in 3 crashes across the country.
Another stat that may interest you is approximately 90 individuals die in U.S. auto accidents each day. The CDC research also reveals that nearly 9,500 crash deaths are directly related to not using seat belts, booster seats, and car seats. And finally, if the United States crash deaths rate was equal to the average rate of 19 other developed countries, 18,000 lives could be saved every year. On that note, let's look at some tips that Florida drivers and passengers can use to help reduce crash deaths.
Obey The Speed Limit
Aggressive drivers can be found all across the country. We even have our fair share of them right here in Englewood. You may even be one of them, especially if you think of speed limits more like suggestions than laws. However, as you can see from the nearly one in three deaths fact involving speeding, it is best to steer clear of this behavior. Obey the speed limit when you take the car out for a spin, and hopefully, that will reduce crash deaths.
Wear Your Seat Belt
Seat belts are designed to prevent significant injuries and save lives. But not only that, drivers and passengers are required to wear seat belts by law. So, why wouldn't you wear one? Buckle up every time you get into your vehicle. Then, if you happen to get into an accident, with any luck, you'll leave the incident with your life intact.
Also, we learned that not using booster seats and car seats can contribute to crash deaths. Hence, those transporting children in Florida or elsewhere must make it a point to get them the appropriate seats for the journeys. But it isn't enough to merely have the device. You must ensure the kids are strapped in correctly, no matter how long or short the drive.
Don't Practice Impaired Driving
Due to one in three crash deaths being caused by drunk driving, this tip was always going to make the list. There are too many ways for people to get home these days that nobody should be drinking and driving. Of course, drugs are also becoming mainstream and somewhat acceptable in society, so you shouldn't use them and drive either. Instead, if you have to travel while under the influence, use an Uber, taxi, or a non-intoxicated friend/family member to get around.
Some Last Words
Have you lost a loved one in a car crash because of another party's negligence? Your family might have the grounds to seek compensation if that's the case. The money won't make up for the loss, but it can make it easier for you to cover the person's final expenses like medical bills and funeral costs. Contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., to schedule a free case evaluation today.