Are You Ready For A Motorcycle Ride?

In other words, lots and lots of motorcycles are on the open road in the Sunshine State during both the day and night. After all, there are all sorts of rallies and events always taking place, and people can't wait for the chance to come here. Unfortunately, due to the amount of vehicles in a single location, crashes are bound to happen from time to time, and motorcyclists usually sustain the most of the damage when cars, trucks, SUVs, or tractor-trailers are part of the equation.
Bikes do not have doors, roofs, or other things to protect their riders. Hence, the operators and their passengers regularly get thrown from the units. Owners can purchase items like helmets, padded clothing, and more for some protection, but still, the pieces only do so much. The motorcyclist can get thrown high into the air and come crashing down on top of the car involved in the crash. Then again, they can get sent flying and slam hard onto the concrete roadway as well. Some of the common injuries associated with these events include but are not limited to road rash, severe lacerations, head, neck, and back injuries, fractures and broken bones.
It Is Expensive To Recover From Such Wounds
More often than not, motorcyclists are left unable to work after an accident. Therefore, he or she will not have any steady income coming in, and their savings can become depleted in a hurry, just attempting to pay the mortgage, rent, or other everyday bills. Plus, the injured party gains new expenses for doctors, medications, surgeries, and more. The entire situation can leave them stressed out and overwhelmed about what they are going to do. Additionally, if the motorcyclist died, the family is left with the burden of trying to pay for funeral arrangements while grieving.
Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyer If Another Driver Was At Fault
If you live in southwest Florida and have sustained injuries in a motorcycle wreck, give our office a call for a free case evaluation. Family members that have lost a loved one in such an event should contact our team as well. You, or they, may be entitled to a fair compensation amount to offset the recovery or funeral costs. Also, clients only pay when a monetary sum is recovered. Each claim is unique and different, which means settlements will vary on a case by case basis. However, some of the amounts awarded to our clients include...
• $15,200,000 For A Spouse And Child Of A Motorcyclist Killed In A Tractor-Trailer Versus Motorcycle Accident
• $2,000,000 For An Individual Who Sustained A Brain Injury In A Motor Scooter Incident
• A $1,500,000 Recovery For Someone In A Vehicle Crash With Multiple Injuries
So, don't delay any longer and let an insurance company or defendant's lawyer take advantage of you. Our firm will fight, fight, and fight some more for the compensation that you deserve. We have the means and ability to take the case all the way to trial if necessary. On many occasions, the personal injury attorney is able to get a fair and just settlement amount without having to put you in front of a jury though.