Assessing Damages Following an Automobile Accident

Once everyone is determined to be in good health, it is time to begin to assess the damages. To do this, you can follow a few easy steps to make the process more manageable.
Immediately Following the Accident
Once all medical concerns have been addressed, it is time to take photos of the damage to your vehicle. When taking the photographs, you want to be sure to take photos from all angles. Take them close-up, far away, and don’t neglect to take photos of both the interior and exterior of the vehicle.
You will then want to take photos that show the location in which the accident occurred as well as the license plate of every vehicle involved.
Take Notes
Take note of any personal property you have inside the vehicle that had been damaged in the accident as well. Examples of personal property can include but are not limited to, car seats, electronics, and sunglasses.
Next, you will write down a detailed description of what happened from your own point of view. Do this right away while it is still fresh in your mind. This will also need to be done for the police report and will be given to your insurance company to help determine damages.
Once you have fulfilled the other steps following the accident like contacting your insurance company, it is time to begin to further assess the damages.
Assessing Damages
Electrical issues, engine issues, and rattles are just a few examples of some damages you may experience following an accident. You will want to immediately fix the damages instead of waiting for the claim to go through, however, because they could get worse with time.
First, inform your insurance company that your vehicle is in need of immediate repair, and they will tell you what you should do next. Usually, they will have you send in the photos you took from the accident showing them the damage and they will tell you which repair shop to go to validate any repairs.
When this happens, be sure to hold onto all documentation and then get an estimate for the other repairs after the more critical damage has been taken care of. Once you have the estimate in hand, contact your insurance company as soon as possible so you can begin filing your claim.
Diminished Value Coverage
To recover the amount of the car’s value that has been diminished following an accident, it is up to the policyholder to prove that the repaired vehicle is worth less than it was before the accident took place.
The insurance company won’t always pay for this coverage; however, most insurance companies will assess who is at fault for the accident and then decide who would be responsible for paying the diminished value.
Insurance Claims Adjuster
The insurance claims adjuster will appraise the damage to get you the repair estimates, and they will then determine how much you will receive for your claim. This is why it is so important to assess the vehicle for damages following the accident for insurance purposes.
While the process may seem complicated and time-consuming, it is important to follow each step and follow up with your insurance company to adequately assess the damages to your vehicle following the accident so that you can receive the appropriate compensation for the damages.
If you would like to appeal a decision that was made, you can also seek the help of an attorney to help you with the claim and appeals process.