Avoid Accidents During Southwest Florida’s Rainy Season

The Risks Of Driving In Rain
Rain creates several road hazards and risks. Understanding these hazards and risks can help you stay safe on the road. Here’s what you need to be mindful of when driving in the rain or on wet pavement:
● Rain can reduce visibility distance and make it hard to see the hazards on the road
● Windshield fogging from moisture can also contribute to reduced visibility
● Vehicle traction is significantly reduced on wet pavement, making maneuvering a vehicle more challenging
● Standing water can cause drivers to lose control and hydroplane
● Puddles can be visually deceptive and can cover potholes and sinkholes that can damage or swallow your vehicles when driven over
● Reaction times are reduced because the slick surface requires more time for stopping and accelerating
● Sudden moves like fast turns and braking can lead to skidding
● Rains often come with other hazards like heavy winds and lighting that can cause even more driving hazards
With so many hazards, it’s mostly advised that if you don’t have to drive in the rain, you shouldn’t drive in the rain. Unfortunately, that is not always an option and we do sometimes have to drive in the rain. In those cases, it’s important to understand how to drive safely.
Safe Driving Tips For The Rain
If you have to head out in the May showers, make sure to practice these safe driving tips:
● Slow Down: When the pavement is wet you will need more time to stop and accelerate to avoid accidents and hydroplaning. You should also give yourself more time to get to your destination as traffic will usually be slower.
● Turn On Your Defrost: Windshield fogging is a serious risk in the rain because it can quickly block your visibility. Defrosting will keep your windshield dry so you can see.
● Turn On Your Lights: Lights will not only increase your visibility, but they will also help other drivers see your vehicle.
● Give Vehicles More Room: Maintain a safe following distance so that way you have plenty of time to stop. If someone behind you is driving too close, pull over and let them pass to avoid a rear-end collision.
● Avoid Sudden Moves: Try not to turn or brake too quickly. This can lead to your vehicle getting out of your control.
● Take A Different Route: Be careful when planning your route to avoid any areas known for flooding or heavy traffic. Also, avoid roads that you know have a lot of potholes.
● Learn How To Hydroplane: If you start to hydroplane, try to avoid steering and gently ease your foot off the gas. Do not try to brake or turn away as this will make it worse. This is also how you can handle skidding.
If it gets really bad, pull over and wait out the storm. Being late to an appointment is always better than not getting there at all.
These driving tips will help keep you safe on the roads this May. Unfortunately, even the safest drivers can sometimes experience accidents. In those cases, the legal team at All Injuries Law Firm has your back. For over thirty years we’ve been helping Southwest Florida auto accident victims recover their damages with a full and fair settlement under the law. Whether you’re in an accident as a result of the rain or on dry roads, we can help. Call us anytime at 1-941-625-4878 or chat with us right on our website.