Breaking Down The Most Common Causes Of Wrongful Death Cases In Southwest Florida

• Car Accidents – The single most common cause of wrongful death cases in Southwest Florida are car accidents. The state of Florida experiences around 650 car accidents each day, but while only a small percentage of those are fatal, it is not an insignificant number. On average, Florida will experience around 800 fatal accidents each year. Left behind in those fatal car accidents are families who end up facing grief while taking care of accident-related expenses. Wrongful death lawsuits are a type of personal injury lawsuit that allows families to get the compensation they need to recover without worry.
• Work Accidents – Work accidents can happen in any type of workspace, but some workspaces are more likely to have fatal accidents than others. An individual who works in a typical office environment is less likely to suffer a fatal work accident than an individual who goes to a manufacturing plant or construction site each day. When an accident results in death and it is not due to the worker’s own negligence, their loved ones may be able to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit in the state of Florida.
• Pedestrian Accidents – Not all automobile accidents involve those in vehicles only. If a person in a vehicle of any kind hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian is placed in serious peril. After all, while the car has plenty of steel to protect drivers and passengers, the pedestrian has little to nothing at all. If someone is hit by a negligent driver while walking across the street, that driver may face a wrongful death lawsuit if the victim succumbs to their injuries.
• Boating Accidents – Southwest Florida is home to many boating enthusiasts and those who take others out on their boats for some fun out on the water. When boaters are negligent in their actions on the water, this can result in serious injury or death to their own passengers or the passengers of another vessel. During the year 2018, Florida saw 607 boating accidents resulting in 297 injuries and 57 fatalities.
• Defective Product Accidents – When a person purchases a product, they expect that item to perform safely. Tools, vehicles, electronics, and any product that one would purchase at a store should provide some level of safety when used properly. If they are defective, they can cause serious injury or death in some cases. Defective product accidents can be devastating, and they can be at the root of wrongful death lawsuits. In order to prove that a defective product caused a wrongful death, the survivors of the deceased must show that the product was used correctly and it was the defect that triggered the fatal accident.
Wrongful death lawsuits can help grieving families heal, so it’s important to have a skilled and experienced personal injury attorney by your side in your wrongful death case. If you’re dealing with the wrongful death of a loved one, contact us at All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. today.