Bus Stop Safety To Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Start A Conversation
The first thing we need to do as parents is to talk with our children about bus stop and bus safety. If they are new to the school bus, discuss the appropriate rules with them. You should also explain how important it is to listen to the bus driver and stay in their seat at all times.
If possible, see if you can practice getting on and off the bus with your child. You can use a local train or even your local bus transportation to teach them what to do and what not to do on public transportation. You can even practice in your own home.
Teach Children About The Bus
You also need to make your children aware that the bus is a much larger vehicle than they may be used to. This means it can be harder for the bus driver to see children crossing in front or behind.
When passing the bus, teach them to take seven big steps ahead of it so the driver can see them in their mirrors. It is also a good idea to make eye contact with the bus driver to be sure they are seen. Children should stay away from moving vehicles and buses as well.
Wait With The Kids
Good supervision is important when it comes to bus and pedestrian safety. Whenever possible, wait with your children at the bus stop, and then meet them at the stop again after school. This helps you ensure that your children are getting on and off the bus safely. If you notice anything that requires improvement, you can correct their behavior on the spot.
Encourage Good Communication
To help with bus safety, we should also encourage good communication between the children and the bus driver. Tell them to listen to the bus driver and communicate when something is wrong. For example, if a child has dropped something near the bus, they should inform the bus driver instead of retrieving it themselves.
Tell them to watch the bus driver before crossing the street to get on or off the bus. The driver can help indicate when it is safe to do so. Children should also learn how to cross in front of the bus so they are visible and to wait until the bus has come to a complete stop.
Other Safety Tips For Pedestrians
To help keep students and other pedestrians safe, we need to work together. In addition to the information we have provided for keeping bus riders safe, you have to be on the lookout for walkers and bike riders as well.
Wearing bright-colored clothing can help improve a student's visibility. They should be taught not to get distracted by their cell phone or other devices. Meanwhile, bikers need to wear a properly fitted helmet and ride on the right side of the road while obeying all traffic signals.
If we can teach students to follow these safety guidelines, pedestrians will be much safer during their commute to and from school. Following these safety guidelines can ultimately lead to fewer pedestrian accidents, keeping everyone on the road much safer.