Can A Punta Gorda Motorcycle Accident Leave You In Critical Condition?

As such, when bikes get struck by cars, pickups, SUVs, or commercial trucks, motorcyclists are sent flying through the air. Sometimes, the flight is barely off the ground, and the person does more of a stunt roll. However, on other occasions, people go high into the air and crash into the ground, hit objects like trees, or slam onto the hoods/roofs of the vehicles that hit them. So, how often do motorcycle accidents happen in The Sunshine State?
Florida Motorcycle Crash Stats
According to the FLHSMV, motorcycle crashes are becoming all too common in Florida. In 2018, the state accounted for 9,143 of these accidents. They caused 5,731 injuries, 2,118 incapacitating injuries, and 531 fatalities. Meanwhile, 2019 didn't fare much better, as it was responsible for a total of 8,895 total motorcycle crashes. Those events produced 5,647 injuries, 2,072 incapacitating injuries, and 550 deaths.
A Recent News Story
The stats for 2020 and 2021 aren't out yet. However, there are other ways for us to see how dangerous the Florida roadways are for motorcyclists. People just need to turn on the news or research stories online. For example, according to WINK News, a Punta Gorda motorcyclist was left in critical condition after an evening crash not too very long ago. Apparently, the motorcycle and a tow truck were traveling on U.S.-41 when the truck tried to make a U-turn in front of the bike.
Obviously, that didn't work out well since we are talking about the subject today. The motorcycle hit the right side of the pickup, and the rider had to be transported to a nearby hospital. This matter is still under investigation, but we know that the rider was in critical condition when the article was published. Thus, as you can see from this story and the stats, a Punta Gorda motorcycle crash could leave you seriously hurt.
Should You Hire A Motorcycle Accident Attorney?
If a negligent driver strikes your motorcycle, their insurance should cover your injuries and property damage. However, that isn't always how things work. Insurers are notorious for giving victims the runaround and offering them low-ball settlements. They have lawyers on retainers who wait in the wings for claims to pop up. Then, the professionals come out of the woodwork to discredit them. At times, they can even leave the injured feeling as if they are on trial for doing something wrong.
Why should you put up with such nonsense when someone else is to blame for your injuries? To put it simply, you shouldn't. That's why you need stellar legal representation in your corner. First, a motorcycle accident attorney and their team will build a case that supports your position. Then, they will negotiate and deal with the insurance company and its lawyers. That frees you up to concentrate on the most important thing, your recovery, and you won't have to worry about getting hassled.
Now, the question that remains is, "Where can you find a top-notch lawyer?". That answer is easy, All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., of course. We have been serving the injured in Punta Gorda for over 30 years, and the team will gladly do the same for you. So, contact us whenever you're ready, and let's get to the bottom of your matter.