Can I Change Attorneys If I’ve Already Starting My North Port Auto Accident Case?

When Should You Consider Changing Attorneys?
Not all attorneys are a good fit for every case. There are many reasons people consider changing attorneys including:
● There is not enough communication from the attorney
● The attorney does not seem interested in their case
● The attorney and client disagree about the direction of the case
● The case is taking too long to settle
● There is not enough trust or confidence in the attorney’s ability to win
The reasons for changing attorneys may vary. However, the bottom line is that auto accident cases are really important. The resolution of a claim can significantly impact you and your family’s future. If you are not comfortable working with your attorney, then it’s time to consider switching attorneys.
How Will Switching Attorneys Impact My Case?
Switching to a new attorney won’t impact your case from a legal sense. You will still proceed with your claim. However, if you have already entered court proceedings, you may face barriers changing attorneys. The judge may decide not to approve the change if it delays the case too long. Outside of this scenario, changing attorneys won’t negatively impact your case. It may actually help you move your case forward and get a better settlement for your claim.
How To Switch Attorneys In The Middle Of A Case
The process of changing lawyers is very simple and really only takes three steps:
• You will begin by interviewing new attorneys and finding a replacement that meets your needs.
• You will then sign a retainer agreement with your new attorney to handle your case going forward.
• Your new attorney will contact your former attorney to get all the forms and documents. They will also contact the insurance companies and the courts.
From there, they will begin working on your case.
Do Your Due Diligence
Before hiring any attorney, it is important to do your due diligence. This is especially true when switching attorneys in the middle of a case. Here are some tips on how to find a great attorney to take your case:
● Interview attorneys that specialize in auto accident injuries. Specialization ensures they are knowledgeable about Florida state law and can protect your rights.
● Make sure they are fully licensed by the Florida Bar Association. You can look up attorneys on their website here. Also check for any past actions against the attorney you are interviewing.
● Read online reviews and ask for testimonials from past clients that have similar cases to yours. Make sure to ask how those cases were resolved.
● Look for an attorney with a proven history of high verdicts and settlements. You want one who also has trial experience. It’s also best if they have the resources like staff to take on your case.
Finally, look for an attorney that has good communication. You want to feel like you can tell them anything and they will understand. It’s also good to work with an attorney that you feel you can trust.
Switching attorneys in the middle of a case can be done without much disruption. In some cases, it’s actually the best way to proceed with your case. If you are considering switching attorneys, give us a call at All Injuries Law Firm. For over 30 years, we have been representing auto accident injury victims in North Port and can help you. Give us a call at 1-941-635-4878 or chat with us online. We offer a free case review where we will answer any questions and help you better understand your legal options.