Can I Still Be Compensated If I Was Hit By An Uninsured Motorist?

Uninsured motorist insurance is a part of an insurance policy that Florida insurers are required to offer to all of their clients. In fact, if a person decides to opt out of this type of insurance, they are also required to sign a form stating that they have opted out by choice to be insured against an uninsured driver. What makes this type of insurance so important is that it will be tasked with paying out any settlements or claims when you’ve been hit by an uninsured motorist, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get just what you’re looking for compensation wise.
Frequently with uninsured motorist insurance policies, insurance companies will work to make settlements as affordable as possible for them, and in an effort to protect their own spending , they will underpay or deny claims put forth by covered drivers when hit by an uninsured motorist. When this occurs, you may have to take your insurance provider to court and bring your claim before a judge, as this will allow you to still receive the compensation you need.
If you do have to take your claim to court, it’s also important to seek representation, as the insurance provider will make sure to be adequately represented themselves. With the right representation, your case can be brought to the court in a way that allows for all evidence to be seen and your story to be heard, and this can make it far more likely that you’ll get the compensation you require.
What Does The Settlement Cover?
When hit by an uninsured motorist, your settlement will cover your injuries and your missed work wages. The injuries you incurred during the accident, and the treatments you required to heal these injuries, will be represented by the medical bills and doctor information provided by your medical professionals, and this is what will be reimbursed with your claim settlement. In some instances, particularly if future care will be needed, your settlement may cover these expenses as well if their need can be evidenced by a medical professional.
The time you spend out of work due to recovering from your injuries will be able to be covered along with your injuries, and in an ideal settlement, your uninsured motorist insurance policy will ensure you have your wages compensated. This allows those who have been hit by uninsured motorists the ability to not only pay for their medical expenses, but their cost of living during the time they’re out of commission due to their accident as well.
If you’ve been hit by an uninsured motorist, it’s important to make sure you have the representation of a skilled Florida personal injury lawyer. At All Injuries Law Firm, our team is well-versed in uninsured motorist insurance policies, the laws that surround Florida car insurance, and how to help our clients to get the settlements they require to move on from their accident. If you’d like to learn more about compensation after being hit by an uninsured motorist, simply contact us at All Injuries Law Firm today to get started.