Can You Seek Extra Restitution Outside Of Workers' Compensation

Then, if you ever find yourself in one of the predicaments, you'll know that you can probably get more money for your recovery. Nobody is saying to be greedy. However, injured workers should get what their due. That doesn't mean employers are simply going to hand over cash, though. After all, why would they want to fork it over when their people are already getting workers' compensation.
As such, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to represent you in the lawsuit. They will build a case that supports your position and fight for what you're owed. Where can you find a workers' compensation attorney in North Port? Well, there are plenty of them around the area, but if you want the best, you should contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. Now that you know who to call for legal representation, let's discuss those circumstances we mentioned earlier.
Are You Entitled To More Restitution?
More than a mere workers' compensation check could be headed your way if your employer caused your injury or injuries. When this is the case, please, don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation with us. Let our team help you hold your boss accountable. Another circumstance where you may be able to seek restitution outside of workers' compensation is if a toxic substance harmed you.
What are toxic substances? Think asbestos and lead paint. You know, items that were once deemed safe but later became known as highly toxic. If you're a regular TV watcher, you've probably seen law firm commercials talking about them. When these items impact people at work, they can seek restitution outside of workers' compensation.
Those on the clock who get injured by third parties may find themselves able to obtain financial support other than workers' comp too. What are third parties? That's a good question, and these individuals are people like delivery drivers, vendors, and contractors. Contact us to see if you have a case following an injury from a third party. We'll take a look at everything and detect whether a lawsuit is in your best interests.
Next up, if your employer does not have insurance, you can also seek restitution outside workers' compensation. Most companies are required to hold valid insurance policies. However, it isn't always necessary for some organizations, like ones with very few employees, to have it. This is yet another example of where you might be able to get restitution from someplace other than workers' compensation.
Last but certainly not least, you could be entitled to additional restitution if you get hurt on the job by a defective product. That's good news: why should you face financial challenges because of something you had no control over? The answer is you shouldn't. Hence, if you sustain a broken bone, get electrocuted, or another issue occurs, fight to obtain the extra restitution that's warranted.
Hopefully, this article has cleared up when you can seek additional restitution outside of workers' compensation. Thus, if you've experienced any of these problems and are struggling to make ends meet, just know that our firm is here to help. Doing nothing could leave you in debt with medical and other bills. You don't have to accept that fate, though. Instead, contact us and get the legal team you need to take your claim the distance.