Caregivers - Honoring The Unsung Heros

Caregivers provide vital services and play crucial roles, helping families cope with a wide variety of difficult and debilitating circumstances, fulfilling needs for loved ones that their families cannot provide.
Caregivers care for those with long-term medical needs and may be called upon to perform life-saving actions round-the-clock at any time while helping their patients with mundane tasks made difficult by advanced age, injury, illness, or chronic disorder.
Caregivers And Personal Injury Law
While caregivers may be needed for many reasons related to the natural course of life, too often their services are required because of careless negligence. In serious accident injury cases, it is not uncommon for the injured person to require long-term round-the-clock support to help them recover from severe injuries. The day-to-day tasks we all take for granted like using the bathroom, getting dressed, having clean clothes, and moving around your home can become difficult or even dangerous for severely injured people and a long-term caregiver can provide the support needed to begin the healing process and continue service as needs require.
Calculating A Settlement Amount
Of course retaining qualified, long-term care will be expansive, and will likely be another cost on top of medical bills, lost income, and other damages from a serious crash. During a personal injury case, the plaintiff’s attorney will be focused on calculating the long-term needs and resulting costs to support their client’s recovery. Having the funds available to retain a long-term caregiver will be an essential part of many serious injury cases, as well as compensation for both immediate and long-term medical services and therapy, lost wages, damage to property, pain, and suffering, loss of quality of life, and more.
Honoring These Compassionate Heros
While professional caregivers certainly get paid, the nature of their job means they must be extraordinary people. Caregivers must be supportive and compassionate, never tiring, and always putting a good face on things day after day, even when, or especially when their patients' needs are demanding and long-term outcomes are not positive. Caregivers must endure the emotional stress of caring for patients in hospice, or with severe illness, mental illness or severe physical injury with no guarantee that their patients will be appreciative of their work.
To honor these amazing people and raise awareness, the third Friday of February has been designated as National Caregiver Day.
National Caregivers Day was designated by the Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA) in 2015.
How To Observer National Caregiver Day #NationalCaregiversDay
• Take time to thank a caregiver for their dedication and care of our loved ones.
• Give them a card of thanks. This may seem like a simple gesture, but it will mean a lot to the caregiver.
• Let them know with a kind word of encouragement. Your recognition will inspire them to continue their quality work.
• Tell their supervisor how much you appreciate the services. Compliments are rarely voiced. Take the time to make yours heard.
• Employers can provide a special appreciation luncheon.
• Use #NationalCaregiversDay to post on social media.
More about National Caregivers Day at
At All Injuries Law Firm, we have seen just how vital long-term Caregivers are in helping injured people and families function and recover after serious accidents.
Too often the insurance companies will resist fully compensating the injured party regardless of whether or not they are their policyholder, or represent the other driver or negligent party.
Because of that, it is essential for those who have been seriously injured by another’s negligence to get an experienced lawyer. Having a lawyer on your side will not only ensure you get the maximum financial compensation for your injuries and damages but also lift the burden of communicating with the insurance company and all the stress and uncertainty that entails. Having a lawyer will help you move forward and focus on healing and recovering from your crash.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a crash or by another’s negligence contact All Injuries Law Firm today for your 100% free attorney case review.