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Personal Injury Law Articles

know-your-state-the-common-flux-of-common-law Brian O Sutter Aug/05/2015 Brian O Sutter

Know Your State: The Common Flux Of Common Law

For as powerful as federal institutions and agencies are in the United States of America, large parts of both the civil and criminal codes are left to individual states to legislate and enforce. Major laws are generally consistent throughout America...

the-difference-a-motorcycle-makes Brian O Sutter Aug/04/2015 Brian O Sutter

The Difference A Motorcycle Makes

“Start seeing motorcycles.” That’s the advice you can find on any number of bumper stickers, usually on cars whose owner also rides a motorcycle. And this advice is not given lightly – riding a motorcycle carries many risks beyond those which any d...

what-to-do-after-a-car-accident Brian O Sutter Aug/03/2015 Brian O Sutter

What To Do After A Car Accident

Every year there are between 10-11 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States, and in Florida alone around two to three thousand people die as a result of these crashes. If you’ve driven a vehicle regularly for more than one or two years,...

know-your-rights-workers-compensation Brian O Sutter Jul/30/2015 Brian O Sutter

Know Your Rights: Workers’ Compensation

Accidents happen. They happen at any time and at any location, and if they should happen at your workplace you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is a large and complicated law, and it’s further complicated by the fac...

social-security-disability-not-just-for-the-elderly Brian O Sutter Jul/28/2015 Brian O Sutter

Social Security Disability: Not Just For The Elderly

If you receive a disabling injury while on the job, you’ll very likely get access to workers’ compensation benefits which will pay for your related medical bills and provide you with some replacement or supplemental income. But what if you get injur...

premises-liability-more-than-slips-and-falls Brian O Sutter Jul/27/2015 Brian O Sutter

Premises Liability: More Than Slips And Falls

The laws regarding premises liabilities often get a bad reputation thanks to how some people choose to abuse the system for their own benefit. Often called “slip and fall” laws, some individuals will intentionally slip on a wet or icy section of a s...

another-day-another-recall Brian O Sutter Jul/23/2015 Brian O Sutter

Another Day, Another Recall

As the years go by, more and more cars are recalled to fix defective parts and to address safety issues. In 2014, manufacturers recalled 64 million vehicles, more than in the previous three years combined. In part this was due to several high-profi...

understanding-a-wrongful-death-lawsuit Brian O Sutter Jul/21/2015 Brian O Sutter

Understanding A Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Few things are as difficult as losing a loved one. However, it's a sad fact of life that eventually we must say goodbye. But when someone close to you dies due to the actions of someone else, it's important to understand that you may not have to stru...

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