Haste Does Not Make Waste: Get Legal Help Now

The Benefit Of Professional Help
When you get in an accident or you start to feel sick, and the pain is serious, you visit a hospital or your doctor right away to find out what’s wrong with you. If one of your appliances stops working, you call a repair technician. If your car starts making funny sounds, you call a mechanic. If you get into a serious disagreement over an accident or another sort of personal injury, why then would you not call a personal injury lawyer?
Contacting a lawyer does not have to be a “nuclear option” that signals that you’re ready to bring your disagreement to open court. A lawyer can also provide you with legal advice and help you understand what your rights and your options are, along with what you should do next, and he or she can also explain which laws and previous rulings could affect your case. The other party doesn’t even need to know that you spoke to a lawyer.
A Game Of Escalation
Of course, heading to court is not necessarily the next step even if you do hire a lawyer to represent you.
For instance, if someone rear-ends your parked car and does a number on your rear bumper and part of the trunk, then chances are you’ll never meet the person who did it after you exchange insurance information. Instead, you’ll be dealing with the insurer’s claims adjuster, a person who likely has years of experience dealing with claims like yours along with a strong incentive to keep costs (and therefore payouts) as low as possible.
He or she will very likely lowball the first offer in order to get a quick and cheap settlement, and if you refuse the adjuster will next wait for as long as legally possible to approve your claim. Their hope is that you will either grow impatient or desperate enough to take the initial offer. If your claim is significant, the adjuster may also send an investigator to poke holes in your story or else look for legal loopholes that would let the insurance company off scot-free.
Considering that you’re up against a true professional, it only makes sense to add one to your corner. Personal injury lawyers also have years of experience dealing with insurance companies, companies which are well aware of which law firms have the knowhow and the resources to bring an insurance claim to court and win. Rather than go through the expense of a lengthy legal battle, most insurance companies will prefer to settle out of court on terms more favorable to the claimant.
The All Injuries Law Firm of southwest Florida is one such law firm. If you live, work, or were injured in Ft. Meyers, Port Charlotte, or the Sarasota area, contact us today for a free legal consultation. Whether the accident has just happened or else you just received your first settlement offer, we’ll do all that we can to make sure you get the just compensation you deserve.