Commonly Violated Traffic Rules in Florida

Residents and tourists alike, people are often caught the following traffic rules:
• Not Wearing Seatbelts - Wearing a seatbelt may not have a lot of effect on your driving but not wearing it is the reason why car drivers and front passengers sustain grave injuries when an accident happens. In Florida, wearing seatbelts is a must, and drivers who are caught violating this can be fined up to $60, which still depends on the gravity of the accident.
• Texting While Driving - Your eyes should always be on the road when you are driving because losing focus can cause you to hit other cars or people. Distracted driving, such as texting, calling, or eating while behind the wheel, is also prohibited but many continue to violate this rule. Distracted driving is one of the top reasons for the many accidents that happened in Florida.
• Speeding - Drivers have different reasons for overspeeding but if there’s one thing we’re sure about, it’s that speeding has led to many road accidents. In addition, speeding is also often unnoticed by drivers and there are many occasions when they are not aware that they are already past the speed limit. Overspeeding can cause car accidents especially when roads are slippery or if there are other vehicles ahead.
• Rolling Stops - Instead of fully stopping and hitting the brakes, drivers would simply slow down at the sight of a big, red stop sign. This often causes conflicts in an intersection and as many vehicles claimed the right of way, crashing into each other can be unavoidable.
• Overtaking And Switching To Opposite Lanes - Some drivers are impatient and would speed past other vehicles in front of them by driving on the wrong side of the road. While this indeed solves the problem of driving behind a slow car, choosing to drive on the other side of the road not only is against the traffic rules but also extremely dangerous for both you and the incoming driver.
• Driving Without A License - It doesn’t matter if you simply know how to drive. Having a driver’s license is a must as this will prove you can be trusted to drive safely on the highway and will not be another driver to cause an accident. Many drivers, especially young people, would start driving on busy streets even without any license and adult supervision.
Violating these traffic laws is what causes road accidents to happen. Be a responsible person and stick to the rules to avoid causing car accidents. However, if the inevitable comes, come and contact our professional car accident lawyers so we can help you.