Cuisinart Recalls Food Processor Models Spanning Years Of Production

What Actions To Take After A Product Recall
The recalls we hear about the most are frequently recalls for automobile parts or the vehicle itself. Obviously, there can be other types of recalls but they should be treated differently, as they are. Conair, the company in ownership of Cuisinart made a statement saying the riveted blades can crack over time, and if broken metal shards of the blades can break off and get mixed in with the food. There have been almost 70 reports of shards in food and upwards of 30 of those resulted in mouth lacerations or broken teeth.
What does this mean for you? If you verify that the model number of your food processor (listed below) is involved in the recall, hopefully this will just mean you can return your product and get a new, safe model. However, if you have sustained injuries from the defect of this product or any other consumer product you may be able to secure financial compensation for the injury.
When An Injury Can Be Compensated From A Recalled Product
When a recall is issued for a product it becomes a discussion of timing in relation to the actual announcement of the recall. For instance, if you sustained an injury for the specific recalled product or part previous to the recall then you have a good chance of contacting an injury lawyer and getting filing a valid suit for compensation. Conversely, if you ignored the steps recommended for recall and then sustained the injury it will be harder to seek compensation in court. On the other hand if we can prove that you were unaware or had not been notified of the recall prior to the injury there is still an argument that can be made for your injury.
Unsafe products, especially those that lead to injury, can be severely damaging to a company both financially and their notoriety. Therefore it is a complicated mess sifting through a settlement dealing with something like this. A company in the midst of a recall has the potential obligation to shell out money for more than just your settlement, meaning they want to give you as little as possible. This is why a recall case is most lucrative when handled by an experienced injury lawyer.
There are a few things to remember when finding yourself in a situation like this. Keep documentation of your injury, medical bills or any other information that may be dated to prove when the injury occurred. Secondly, do not throw out the product, keep it for verification but do not use it. Finally, contact an injury lawyer as soon after the injury is sustained in order to have the best opportunity to gain financial compensation and alleviate the stress that comes along with a case like this.
Cuisinart Food Processor Model Numbers Included In Recall
Here is a list of the model numbers for the food processors that have been recalled due to potential for blades to crack and break over time, you can find the model number on the plaque located on the bottom of the appliance. The model will begin with these numbers if under recall:
CFP-9, CFP-11, DFP-7, DFP-11, DFP-14, DLC-5, DLC-7, DLC-8, DLC-10, DLC-XP, DLC-2007, DLC-2009, DLC-2011, DLC-2014, DLC-3011, DLC-3014, EV-7, EV-10, EV-11, EV-14, KFP-7, and MP-14.