Defensive Driving Tips To Help Keep You From Getting Into An Accident

• Keep your focus on driving – It can be very easy to shift your attention while driving. You might have your attention on an interesting conversation with a passenger, you might fiddle with the radio, you could be adjusting the air conditioning, or you could even be eating or drinking while behind the wheel. The best tip to become a more defensive driver is to keep your sole focus on driving, the road around you, and other drivers.
• Only trust yourself – If you’re at an intersection, you see a driver approaching with a turn signal, and you decide to take them at their word – you might wind up unpleasantly surprised when they go straight and cause an accident. Only trust your own driving and accept that any driver near to you on the road could be distracted or otherwise negligent. Having a healthy suspicion of other drivers will help you to avoid accidents caused by their negligence.
• Err on the side of caution – If you’re unsure whether you should yield or not, it always pays to err on the side of caution. You may believe (or know) that you have the right of way, but the other driver could see things differently. Being ready and willing to yield might take a few extra seconds, but it saves you the time, money, and injury of risking an accident.
• Respect space and keep your distance – Over 30% of all traffic accidents are caused by following too closely or tailgating. Allow around 2 to 3 seconds of lead time between yourself and the vehicle in front of you in good weather, and in poor weather conditions consider doubling this number. If you’re driving at a higher rate of speed, allow for more stopping time.
• Make sure to look ahead of your vehicle – Most hazards will be spotted with some time before they’re right in front of you. Debris in the road, a negligent driver, or an animal will often be visible for a few seconds before they approach your direct vicinity. Make sure to observe surroundings far ahead of your vehicle to stay aware of any hazards coming your way.
• Don’t race traffic lights – Traffic lights go from green, to yellow, to red, and many mistakenly believe that yellow means you should speed up to get through rather than slow down to stop. Trying to race the traffic light may lead to reckless driving and going through red lights. When the light turns yellow, it’s time to gently press the brake in preparation for a stop, not hit the gas to try to make your way through.
An unfortunate reality is that even the smartest and most defensive driver might still find themselves in an accident one day. If this occurs, it’s important to have a personal injury attorney skilled in Florida auto accident law on your side. Your auto accident lawyer will be able to walk you through the process, ensuring that you get the compensation you need to recover in a healthy way and get back on the road. To learn more about the importance of a skilled auto accident lawyer, contact us at today.