Did Your Auto Accident Give You A Concussion?

A Concussive Brain Injury
A concussion is a type of brain injury that is caused by a blow, jolt, or bump to the head. The jarring motion of the incident causes the brain to hit the hard inner shell of the skull, leading to tearing, bruising, and bleeding. Though many people think of sports injuries as the main cause of a concussion, car accidents actually cause them more often. Many times, heads can hit the windshield, steering wheel, or another object, due to the force of the collision.
5 Signs That You Have Suffered A Concussion
Depending on the severity of the injury, you might not even know that you suffered a concussion. Though some people might lose consciousness at the time of the accident, you do not have to experience this to have a concussion. It is important to remain diligent after an accident and look out for the signs that you have a concussive brain injury:
- Nausea or vomiting. This is a classic sign of concussion and might occur at the accident site, or hours after you return home.
- Confusion or amnesia. Having trouble remembering certain things, focusing on simple tasks, or feeling confused about what happened in the accident can signal a concussion.
- Seeing stars or hearing bells. A blow to the head can cause blurry vision, stars, spots, or other optical disturbances. Ringing in the ears or a loud whooshing sound can also indicate mild brain injury.
- Change in behavior. Depression, anger, irritability, anxiety, and nervousness are all mood changes that can be caused by concussion.
- Headaches and dizziness. Obvious signs of brain trauma include headaches, especially those that worsen progressively, and dizziness at any level. In extreme cases, seizures could occur.
Concussions from car accidents can result in traumatic brain injuries that can lead to lifelong disabilities and in some cases, death. When this occurs, seeking the help from an attorney who specializes in brain injury cases is imperative.
5 Things To Do If You Have Suffered A Concussion
If you believe that you have suffered a concussion, seek medical attention immediately. A doctor will be able to run the appropriate tests to diagnose your brain injury and assess the situation. You’ll likely be given instructions on what to do to heal from the incident, based on the severity of the injury. Most concussions can clear up within seven to 10 days, but some have a longer recovery time. Rest is best, as is following these 5 suggestions:
- Get plenty of sleep. The brain recovers during sleep, so minimize distractions to ensure peaceful slumber. A concussion can also make you feel exhausted after performing even the most simple of activities, so short naps might be beneficial.
- Rest the brain. Refrain from anything that can overstimulate the brain, such as reading, playing video games, or activities that require intense concentration. Adjust work and school schedules to allow frequent breaks.
- Avoid triggers. Anything that triggers your symptoms or makes them worse should be avoided while you are healing. Bright lights, loud noises, or crowds can be over stimulating to the brain, so or avoid or adjust as needed.
- Rest the body. Avoid activities that can increase heart rate unless you have been cleared to do so by a doctor. If a strenuous activity makes you dizzy or feel ill, slow down. If possible, stay home from work for a few days to recoup.
- Take care of you. Manage your pain with medications as advised by the doctor and use ice packs for swelling. Don’t rush into physical activities or sports too soon, and be careful when operating a vehicle or other machinery. Refrain from using alcohol and illegal drugs as these can make some symptoms even worse.
Speak to your doctor if symptoms don’t seem to be getting any better, or if they get worse. Take your recovery seriously and never deny yourself from getting the medical care you deserve.