Do You Qualify For Social Security Disability Insurance?

However, there are some instances where the ability to do work for pay can be severely compromised. Some forms of assistance, such as social security disability insurance, can help Florida residents get by. But how does it work? Can anyone who lives here get it?
What Is Disability Insurance?
Social security disability insurance, more commonly known in Florida as SSDI, is a type of "financial safety net" designed to help people who were once working, contributing members of society, that are now unable to resume their former work activities due to injuries they have sustained.
SSDI is not, however, a permanent solution. This is designed as financial assistance for people who need it. Thus, it has definite limitations on how long it will last. There are, for example, two instances in which SSDI will be immediately withdrawn. If you receive SSDI, it will stop when
• You reach the age of retirement.
• You have established some other means of revenue that is paying you well.
Beyond that, even for long-term disabilities, these are not necessarily permanent. There are periodic reviews that may determine it is time to stop paying out. For example, someone with severe injuries to the legs who is confined to a wheelchair may eventually recover. If physiotherapy is successful, and the person resumes being able-bodied, SSDI will stop.
Who Qualifies?
SSDI is theoretically open to any Florida resident, but there are a few criteria that must be met to be considered for it. There are two major qualifying requirements.
Tax Contributions
You must have lived and worked in Florida long enough to make meaningful tax contributions. For example, a teenager who is on a first job and has never paid taxes before but then is injured would not qualify for SSDI since there is no record of paying taxes and supporting the state's social security infrastructure.
Medical Diagnosis
You must have a medical exam with documentation that meets the disabled criteria for the state of Florida. This means that your diagnosis meets the three SSDI requirements of:
▪ Documenting a severe medical condition.
▪ The diagnosis confirms an inability to resume previous work due to the disability
▪ The diagnosis indicates that the disability is likely to last one year or less or is terminal.
Denials Still Happen
Even after meeting all the criteria and applying for SSDI, the statistical fact is many applicants are still rejected for SSDI. However, just because a denial occurs, that doesn't mean that it's the final word. In some cases, an improper procedure during application is the reason for rejection, or an appeal can be made to overturn the denial.
If you feel your SSDI rejection was unfairly denied, we may be able to help. Talk to our Florida attorneys for social security disability for more information.