Dog Bites Can Happen Anytime And Anywhere

• Punctures, Lacerations, Abrasions
• Muscle And Ligament Tears
• Eye, Nose, And Other Facial Injuries
• Fractured Or Broken Bones
• Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome
A lot of people don't believe these events happen that regularly, but the truth is that they do. According to research from the Canine Journal, about 4.7-million dog bites happen in the United States each year. Not all of the episodes require medical attention, but the study states that around 800,000 people with bites need the care. It is possible for humans to contract certain diseases from the occurrences as well. Some of the more renowned ailments include...
• Rabies
• Tetanus
• Capnocytophaga Bacteria
• MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
• Pasteurella
Several Things To Know About Dog Bites
Children are most often the victims of attacks, but the events can happen to anyone, anywhere as the example to follow shortly will show. Over 36-percent of households in the United States own at least one dog, and more than half of the injury-related bites happen in the home. In other words, those being bitten are familiar with the animals. People don't need to avoid canines altogether. After all, they are our friends, companions, and extended members of the family.
However, owners should take particular measures to ensure that people and pets are not subjected to the episodes. For example, when out in public, keep the pooch on a leash and consider utilizing a muzzle too. At home, if visitors are coming over, lock the dog away in a kennel until after the guests leave. If a kennel is not available, put the pup in a locked room. These types of actions can keep dog bites in check and prevent everyone from having to go through the hardships.
A Recent Florida Dog Bite Headline
As mentioned, this example will show how dog bites can occur anywhere, even in public places. The Donna Marathon took place in Florida this month. During the 2019 Donna Half Marathon in Atlantic Beach, Julie Stackhouse was aggressively attacked by a bull-terrier mix. The pooch weighed approximately 80 pounds, and it was barking, snarling, and being overly hostile. Luckily for the woman, she was able to get away and finish the race despite the pain and blood dripping from her arm.
Shortly after completing the race on February 10th, Stackhouse passed out. Then, the runner was transported to an ER where she received six stitches. The owners of the pooch were spectators watching the event, and they believed the canine was under control. They also felt horrible about the incident. Regardless of how sorry a person is, they are still held accountable for their dog's actions. Atlantic Beach police issued the owners a citation, and the pup is under home quarantine for the time being.
Dog Owners Are Usually Always Liable For An Attack
If you or a loved one have sustained severe injuries from a dog bite, contact a personal injury lawyer at All Injuries Law Firm for a free case evaluation. You may be entitled to a fair compensation amount for the damages. Our team goes through every claim with a fine tooth comb to get clients the settlements that they deserve. The personal injury lawyer obtains witness testimonies, medical records, and other evidence to build the strongest case possible. So, don't become stuck paying medical bills for wounds that were no fault of your own. Instead, give our personal injury lawyer a call today and get the legal assistance that you deserve.