Don’t Risk An Accident: Review These Back To School Safety Tips For Your Teen Driver

Florida Teen Driving Statistics
According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Crash Report, there are around 15,000 accidents per year for drivers between the ages of 15-17. Of those, around 3,500 of these teenage accident victims are injured, and sadly around 22 die. Many of these accidents are caused by distracted driving, as well as alcohol and drug abuse. While the rest are generally caused by disregarding traffic safety regulations and laws. To help your teenager avoid becoming a statistic, reviewing the proper rules of the road is critical.
Five Safe Driving Tips For Teenagers
Before handing the keys over to your teen driver, make sure to go over these five important safety tips:
• Never Text And Drive: Make sure that when you explain the rules about texting you include other common things like filming SnapChat videos or taking Instagram photos. If you really want to keep them safe, you can set their phone to automatically switch to drive mode while they are driving, then they won’t be able to text and drive.
• Obey All Traffic Laws: Teens can be pretty reckless, they love pushing boundaries. However, they should never push against the rules of the road. Make sure they know to never speed, run red lights, or engage any other behaviors that could lead to an accident.
• Don’t Let Your Friends Distract You: You remember what it’s like to be in a car as a teenager. You played loud music, pulled pranks, and engaged in other shenanigans. These can all be very distracting for a new driver. So make sure they know to also tell their friends to behave while driving.
• Always Wear Your Seatbelt: Seat belts save lives, it’s that simple. Make sure they know to buckle up every time and to tell any of their passengers they need to buckle up as well. Also, review the safety features of the car with them so they know how to use blindspot sensors, traction control, and any other features that can help keep them safe on the road.
• Check Your Car Before You Drive: Make sure they know to check their mirrors, adjust their seats and headrest, and ensure they can see out the front window. Also make sure to have them check the gas tank has enough to get them to their destination and that their lights and turn signals are working properly.
These are just the basics, but we recommend that all teens attend a defensive driving class before hitting the road. There, they will learn the skills to not only avoid causing an accident, but how to respond to unsafe drivers they encounter on their trek to school.
Have A Heart To Heart Conversation
At All Injuries Law Firm, we have been representing teen accident victims in Port Charlotte for over 30 years. In that time we have seen the devastation that can come when teens do not exercise caution on the road. Make sure that when you talk to them about the responsibility of driving, you open up to them about the full risks. Speak to them on a peer level, so they know how serious this new responsibility should be taken. This honesty will go a long way to keeping them safe.
Remember, if your teen is ever in a motor vehicle accident, you have help. Our attorneys will fight to protect your child so that their future isn’t ruined by a car accident. If you ever need us, we’re just a call away.