Florida Drivers Shouldn't Make These Mistakes Behind The Wheel

It comes in many forms, but we will focus on cell phone use in this article. People make mistakes in vehicles every day, and those blunders often lead to accidents. However, as far as errors because of phones are concerned, they can be avoided, and they should be. Auto accidents are horrible, and nobody wants to get involved in them. The incidents can leave participants with severe injuries such as…
• Fractures And Broken Bones
• Lacerations And Contusions
• Traumatic Brain Injuries
• Loss Of Limbs
Of course, that list barely scratches the surface, though, but you should get the gist. Car crashes can claim lives as well. Modern vehicles have all sorts of safety features, but death is a possible outcome of collisions even with them. As anyone can see, nothing good comes from auto accidents. Yet, motorists still answer calls and text while driving, even though they know the activities are dangerous when combined.
Stats That Show Cell Phone Use And Driving Don't Mix
According to the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition, 4,637 people died in crashes with cell phone use in 2018. The organization also reveals that 11 teens die because of texting and driving each day. Meanwhile, Simply Insurance shows that 1.6-million accidents happen per year because of people using phones while driving. This site says texting and driving result in around 390,000 injuries annually as well.
Are you convinced that driving and cell phone use don't mix? Yes, well, that's good. Now, the only question that remains is, "Will you stop texting and talking on the phone while you are behind the wheel?" You really, really should. The figures in this section are not acceptable, but, unfortunately, they are the reality we live in. They don't have to be, though, as people everywhere can make a difference by acknowledging that calls and texts can wait until their cars are parked.
Being a part of the solution is much better than being a part of the problem. For one, it is just the right thing to do. Plus, not using cell phones while driving helps keep people out of trouble. They won't get into hot water with law enforcement officials and get fines. Nor will they get sued by someone for damages they caused while being negligent. It is now time to switch gears a bit. So, please, don't go away just yet. Instead, stick around and read on to learn more.
What To Do If A Distracted Driver Injures You
Those that get into accidents with distracted drivers may be entitled to fair compensation for their damages. Victims often have to take parties to court to get the money they so rightfully deserve. They must build strong, evidence-based cases to win, which isn't always easy. Thankfully, Fort Myers residents don't have to face these matters alone, though, as we represent those injured by another's negligence on the roadways.
Hence, if you sustained injuries because of a distracted driver, please, don't hesitate to give us a call. The initial consultation is free, and you will only owe a fee if you win. So, schedule your meeting today and hold the party responsible for your crash accountable for their negligent actions.