Drowsy Driving In Florida Could Be A Bigger Problem Than You Think

Drowsy Driving Statistics
These stats come from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA, so you know they're credible. 633 was the number of fatalities caused by drowsy driving-related incidents in 2020. Meanwhile, the organization estimated that 91,000 of the police reports filed in 2017 included drowsy drivers. And those accidents were responsible for 800 deaths and 50,000 injuries. These crashes can happen at any time of day. However, they are most common in the late afternoon or between the hours of midnight and 6 am. Additionally, more often than not, the accidents only involve single drivers who don't have passengers to help them remain awake and alert. Also, when these people wreck, a high rate of speed is usually involved, and there is no sign of braking.
Tips To Keep Drowsy Driving Accidents At Bay
Pull Over
If a person begins to feel sleepy while driving, it is in everyone's best interest for them to pull over. They can find a safe place to rest their weary head for a bit. Then again, just getting out of the car and walking around can be enough to get a driver's head back in the game. How about coffee or energy drinks? If they're an individual's cup of tea, they can pull into a gas station to purchase a beverage to consume and become more alert.
Be Sure To Get A Good Night's Rest
Yes, it can be challenging for people to drift off to sleep and stay that way throughout the night. Yet, they need to try and find ways to do just that. Maybe meditation can help with the venture, or how about doing away with screen time close to bed? You may have to experiment and find exactly what works for you. But even if that is the case, it is worth the effort. Research says that adults need to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. So, do what you can to make that happen, and you'll remain alert while driving. Then, with any luck, no accidents will come your way.
Avoid Drinking And Driving
Everybody knows not to drink and drive. After all, that gets pounded into people's heads at a young age. Yet, some individuals still elect to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. They really shouldn't, though. One reason why is because alcohol can make motorists drowsy. Dozing off in a car, drunk or not, can cause the vehicle to cross over into another lane of traffic.
Head-on collisions, side-swipe incidents, rear-end crashes, and more can enter the picture when that happens. Not to mention, about a million other things could go wrong due to drinking and driving. That's because alcohol impairs judgment.
Do You Need An Attorney?
Have you recently been involved in an accident with a drowsy driver in Port Charlotte? If you answered yes, you might have the grounds to seek compensation for your damages. Contact All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., to schedule a free case evaluation with an accident attorney. They'll help you determine where your claim stands and what steps to take next.