Easing Hardships After a Florida Accident With Social Security Disability

However, there is good news. You may be entitled to social security disability benefits following the accident to help ease any financial struggles and hardships you may be experiencing.
Understanding Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI is income assistance for those who have suffered injuries that prevent them from working. If you are a qualified individual, you may receive temporary disability if the injuries were serious during your recovery process.
Additionally, if your injuries are classified as permanently disabling, then you may be entitled to benefits and income support until you reach the age of 65. Your benefits would then switch over to Social Security retirement benefits past this point.
Personal Injury Examples
Now let's look at what a personal injury is and what kind of damage the accident may have caused. These are just some of the more common personal injuries that may result from an accident that might subsequently qualify someone for SSDI.
• Car and truck accidents
• Motorcycle and bicycle accidents
• Pedestrian accidents
• Slip and falls
• Dog bites
• Construction accidents
• Drunk driving accidents
• Defective products
If you were involved in any of these accident types and suffered serious injury and were left disabled, then it is time to consult with a qualified personal injury attorney to see if you could possibly collect SSDI benefits.
Who Can Receive SSDI Benefits?
If you are over the age of eighteen, have a condition expected to last more than a year or affect the remainder of your life, have been diagnosed with a physical or mental injury that prevents you from acquiring gainful employment, or you have accumulated 20 Social Security credits from jobs that have paid into the social security system, and you have not been denied disability benefits within the last 60 days, then you may qualify.
Your doctor's testimony will be critical, along with your medical records, when Social Security decides. Sometimes they will also ask that an independent doctor who has not treated you previously will take a look and examine you to determine the extent of any mental and/or physical disabilities.
An obstacle many come across when filing for these benefits is proving that they are legitimately incapable of acquiring gainful employment. For example, someone who used to work a hard labor job can no longer perform those work functions. However, it is possible they can be retrained and find employment with a desk job. If this is possible, then a denial of these benefits may be likely.
Factors Considered for SSDI Benefits
When determining if a person qualifies for SSDI benefits following an accident, many factors are considered. Some of these include the victim's ability to walk, their ability to use their arms and hands effectively, the level of chronic pain they experience, and their mental state.
Many victims develop post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) following a serious accident. If you cannot work because of this or due to a traumatic brain injury (TBI), then you may qualify for disability even after you recover from your injuries.
As you can see, it is possible you can get financial help following your accident. However, it can be a lengthy and complicated process. For this reason, you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in Social Security Disability.