Five Tips To Help Protect Your Children In A Car Accident

Always Use A Car Seat
Car seats can greatly reduce the risk of injury or death for children during a car accident. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends car seats for children until they are 4’9’’ tall. They also recommend that children under the age of two ride in backward facing car seats. Before purchasing a car seat, you should always check the make and model with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). On their website they have an easy form to help you find the safest car seat for your child.
Make Sure Your Child’s Car Seat Is Properly Installed
Also make sure you fully understand how to install a car seat. Make sure to always read the instructions manual so you know how to properly install the seat. If in doubt follow the one inch rule. Test the wiggle room of the car seat by wiggling it back and forth. It should move about an inch, but no more than that. The best idea is to have a professional install the car seat. It’s also a good idea to tether a rear facing car seat to the front seat.
Check And Double Check That Your Child Is Strapped In Correctly
Make sure to also read the instructions so you know how to strap your child in securely. Pay close attention to where the latch is supposed to go and how tight the straps should be on your child. Before going anywhere, check all the latches and straps on the car seat and around your child. Then double check to make sure they are secure.
Children Should Always Ride In The Back
The backseat is typically the furthest place from potential impact areas, so it is the safest place in the car. Furthermore, fronts seats are not designed to accommodate children. That is because more than half of all fatal crashes are frontal impacts The AAP recommends that children 13 and under should always ride in the backseat of a car. This is especially important if the front seat has rear side airbags. If you want to keep your child even more safe, make sure to place them in the middle center.
Pull Over Anytime You Are Distracted
Anyone who has children knows that sometimes you need to parent while you are driving. Sadly, distracted driving is the number one cause of accidents. So if your child is wiggling out of their seat, siblings are fighting, or baby dropped their binky, do not keep driving. Find a place to pull over to parent your children. This will help reduce your risk of getting into an accident from distracted driving.
What To Do If Your Child Is Injured In A Car Accident
Even when you follow all the safety rules and guidelines to keep your children safe, accidents do happen where children can be injured. If that happens, it can be devastating to your family. The attorneys at All Injuries Law Firm can help. We will walk you and your family through the next steps and help you get the compensation you and your child deserve to help them get back to health. Give us a call at 1-941-625-HURT to learn more today. Our attorneys will always be here if you need us.