Get Legal Help After Your Boating Accident

Boating In Florida Regulations
Technically, Florida does not require a “license”, but the Boating Safety ID Card serves the same purpose. Boaters must also have a valid photo ID on hand while operating a boat. The Boating Safety Education Identification Card is required to operate any motorboat of at least ten horsepower for anyone born on or after January 1, 1988. To obtain this card, you will need to pass a state-approved boating safety course. Just like any other vehicle, it is a responsibility to take seriously. While it may seem simpler to drive a car as there is less traffic there are other considerations including, weather and water conditions, navigation rules, and anchoring.
Most Common Causes Of Boat Accidents
While Florida leads the nation in boats, it also leads the nation in boating accidents. Some of the more common causes include:
● Operator inexperience
● Inattention
● Speeding or reckless behavior
● Hazardous weather or water
● Equipment or machinery failure
● Sharp turns
● Violation of navigation rules
● Alcohol
When it comes to boating fatalities, the majority of deaths involved overboard drawing accidents with drugs or alcohol usually involved. Due to the different types of boating accidents that include, fire, slip and fall, drawing there is no one common boating injury. While you may feel fine at the time of the accident, victims of boating accidents can suffer from lung infections from inhaling water, broken bones, spinal injuries and traumatic brain injury.
Personal Injury Lawsuits For Boating Accidents
Boating accidents present a unique challenge when it comes to seeking compensation for injuries you received. Liability is not as clear cut as an auto accident. First off, the boat operator is not the only party that can be held liable for boating injuries. Other passengers may also be liable for your injuries due to their actions. An example would be if a passenger was distracting the boat operator from safely operating the boat. A boat owner is negligent if they allow someone unqualified to operate the boat or fails to maintain the boat properly. If the boat is a rental, the company that owns it may share in the responsibility. Even the manufacturer of the boat can be held liable if the accident you incurred and the injuries from that accident are caused by a defect in manufacturing.
Personal Injury Compensation For A Boating Accident
If you were injured in a boating accident, Florida Law allows you to seek compensation for the following:
● All medical bills
● Medication and medical supplies
● Current and future therapy
● Lost wages and future wages
● Property Damage
Unlike automobiles that are required by the state of Florida to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, it is not required, only recommended for boats in Florida. So, if you have been injured in a boating accident, there may not be any insurance to pay for your immediate bills and financial needs. This lack of required insurance presents a unique challenge and several obstacles. Most boat owners do not maintain adequate insurance coverage, and for those that do, insurance companies will often try to demean the injured riders and wrongfully deny their claims. Your best option is to contact a personal injury attorney right away.
Working For The Maximum Recovery You Deserve
The experienced attorneys at All Injuries Law Firm understand the state boating laws, as well as the challenges of securing the compensation you deserve. We understand that a boating accident can result in devastating, life changing injuries and even fatalities. We only represent those who have been injured by another’s negligence, whether on the highways, in the workplace, in public areas and on the water. Our legal team is here to help guide and represent you at this difficult time. If you have been injured or have lost a loved one to a boating accident, call us as soon as possible to get the support you need and the compensation you deserve.