Help Keep Your Child Safe In the Car - Tips From National Baby Safety Month

Baby Safety Month occurs every September and offers the community the chance to review important safety information and tips to keep infants safe and happy. Founded by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) in 1983 manufacturers, retailers, doctors and parents help to educate everyone involved in childhood safety. We are all important to the lives of young children and they count on us everyday to provide for them and cherish their lives. To make sure no accidents occur we celebrate baby safety month every year.
The month became celebrated in 1991 and throughout the 90s JMPA has engaged retailers and urged them to make safer products for children. Each year an award is given to the winners of safer products marketed for infants and children. In 1998 the award went to Babies R Us for safer sleeping practices.
By 2005 safety information has been made more available and the JPMA has made materials downloadable on their website for parents and caregivers.
In 2009 Nevada and California became involved and recognized Baby Safety Month for everyone. Safe sleeping practices were the highlight of the month of 2010 when JPMA helped retailers and parents educate themselves on safer ways to nap and sleep with product tours featuring their items.
Throughout 2010 the JPMA has offered all kinds of information about the safety of products used by retailers and parents. Many awards have been won through their social media presence and public campaigns for the community.
Baby Safety Month - A Timeline On Car Seat Development
1985 Baby- Safe Laws
Every State in the country has adopted laws requiring car seats to be used by 1985.
1969 Baby- Safe Playtime
President Nixon authorized the U.S. government to ban hazardous toys.
1962 Baby- Safe Car Rides
A British inventor creates the first child safety seat for cars.
1906 Baby- Safe Homes
Baby gates were invented to keep babies out of areas of homes that might endanger them.
How To Get Involved Observe Baby Safety Month
Use Social Media -
Spread awareness of this month by posting #BabySafetyMonth trending with parents and professionals. Awareness of Baby Safety Month is helpful to all parents striving to create safe environments for children. You can post a photo of your infant or toddler with the hashtag. All parents who are striving to create a better environment for their families should be aware of Baby Safety Month this September.
Education Tools -
There are many ways to help spread baby safety education to new parents and children. There is product information covering the basics to detailing how to choose safe toys and equipment for infants. New parents will find all the information they will need to work with children. Once you know what might hurt a child in your environment you can make safer choices for your baby.
Baby Products to Invest In That Are Safe -
Make sure your home is Baby proof by keeping items that are dangerous, locked away and safe. Read about what poses a threat and make sure it is out of reach. Research new and fun products that meet safety standards and keep your family safe. Nothing is better than a peaceful home where your little ones are out of harm's way.
Florida Car Seat Laws And Personal Injury for Infants Toddlers and Children -
Depending on the child’s age there are specific requirements for car seats. Every child under the age of six must be restrained in a crash-tested, federally-approved car seat regardless of the placement in the vehicle. The specific requirements are as follows:
• Children aged 0-3 must be restrained in a separate carrier or an integrated child seat
• Children aged 4-5 must use a separate carrier or an integrated car seat or booster seat can be used
• Children should remain in the rear seat of the car until age 12 while the car seat is in use while driving.
The Florida Safety Belt Law states that children under 18 need to wear a seat belt if they are sitting in the front seat of a car. Children riding in the front seat must always wear a seat belt if the child is riding as a passenger.
APA best practices for selecting a child restraint device by the American Academy of Pediatrics include:
Infants and toddlers should be placed in rear-facing seats for as long as possible, at least until they reach the height and weight specified by the car child seat manufacturer
When the child outgrows the rear-facing car seat place the toddler in the forward-facing child safety seat with a harness for as long as possible
Once the child's height and weight exceed their ability to sit in the forward-facing seat the belt-positioning booster seat should be utilized.
Following Florida car seat regulations will be one of the best ways to keep your infant or child safe.
If your family has been involved in a vehicle accident or have questions about auto-safety laws for young children contact the attorneys at All Injuries Law Firm for your free case evaluation.