Help Protect SW Florida Motorcyclists From Drunk Driving This Labor Day

Everyone already knows drunk driving is bad, so why the extra effort before Labor Day?
While drunk driving crashes happen all year long, the last weeks of August and the Labor Day weekend see a significant amount of deadly alcohol-related accidents.
In 2019, 451 People Died From Crashes During Labor Day Weekend Alone!
Of all the fatal Labor Day crashes in 2019, 45% involved a drunk driver.
Beyond holidays, the total number of fatalities from drunk drivers each year is staggering. More than 10,000 of you fellow Americans die on our roads every year because of drunk drivers.
That works out to one person killed every 52 minutes - all because of a 100% avoidable irresponsible decision to drive while drunk - and many of these crashes will involve motorcyclists.
Already at a disadvantage in a motor vehicle accident, motorcyclists are much more vulnerable to serious injury and death than drivers of 4-wheeled vehicles.
Drunk Driving Is A Big Problem For Motorcyclists
Not just an issue for car drivers, according to the NHTSA in 25% of all fatal motorcycle accidents, the motorcyclist was under the influence and over the legal limit - legally drunk. Even more, motorcycle riders in serious or fatal crashes were found to be just under the legal limit.
More Dangerous For Motorcyclists
Competently riding a motorcycle requires far more coordination and alertness than driving a car, especially on SW Florida’s roads like US 41, with all the recent population growth our traffic has increased exponentially, even in Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda.
Alcohol greatly reduces the competence of all drivers but because riding a motorcycle is so much more intense than driving a car it’s far more dangerous for motorcyclists.
As alcohol levels increase basic tasks become harder:
At .02 blood alcohol, doing 2 tasks at the same time becomes difficult.
At .05 blood alcohol, tracking moving objects becomes harder, and reaction times are reduced.
At .08 blood alcohol, motorcyclists will start to lose their concentration and their ability to perceive conditions on the road.
At .10 blood alcohol, motorcyclists will have a hard time braking effectively
Tough Love: Ride Sober Or Get Pulled Over
To help stop the needless deaths, injuries, and legal problems that result from driving under the influence, the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has launched an awareness campaign to help reduce drunk driving from motorcyclists called Ride Sober Or Get Pulled Over.
During the campaign, many local law enforcement agencies the Florida Highway Patrol will have a larger presence on the roads and be extra vigilant in searching for impaired riders, and drivers.
Legal consequences for riding while drunk are severe in Florida with first-time offenders facing:
• Fines from $2,000 - $4,000
• Jail Time Up To 9 Months (court’s discretion)
• Mandatory 50 hrs of community service
• Probation up to a year
• Your Driver's License Can Be Suspended For 6–18 months.
How You Can Help:
Don’t let your friends and family ride while drinking. Avoid making a confrontation about it and skip the drama by planning ahead with a designated driver, or calling a ride-share.
Remind your friends about the legal and safety consequences of riding drunk - what happens to their future if they get caught, or worse get in a crash.
Call the police if you see a drunk rider or driver. Yes that’s harsh but you could be saving lives and preventing a tragedy.
Spread the word about Ride Sober Or Get Pulled Over in social media. Help raise awareness for this issue, and get other riders to think before they ride.
When The Worst Happens
If you or someone you know has been hurt by a drunk driver, or drunk motorcyclists you deserve compensation. Injuries from drunk driving accidents can leave a life-long impact, high medical bills, reduced capacity, and pain and suffering. Contact the motorcycle accident lawyers at All Injuries Law Firm today at (941) 625-4878 for your free case review.