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Help Save Lives In SW Florida - Stop On Red

Stop on red. Seems a no-brainer for most, but even experienced drivers may occasionally run a red light. However, statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show running red traffic lights is a little like playing Russian roulette.

Data from the NHTSA shows at least 11,877 people have died in crash-related deaths caused by red-light runners between 2004 and 2018. In 2018 alone there were 139,000 people injured in crashes caused by red-light runners and 846 deaths.

What makes this particularly tragic is all of these injuries and deaths were 100% avoidable.

Drivers looking to avoid waiting a couple of minutes at a stoplight make a decision to rush through the intersection, placing everyone at risk of serious injury, or even death.

Red Light Running Is Extremely Common

Thanks to new technology such as red-light cameras, the NHTSA has been able to calculate that in 2019 alone there were more than 3.5 million drivers who chose to run a red light. Whether the driver was distracted, or trying to avoid waiting at the light, the risk is the same; 3.5 million chances for a serious auto accident. Eventually, a drivers’ luck will run out and the worst will happen.

The Benefits Of Red Light Cameras

While hardly popular with the general public for a variety of reasons, red-light cameras have been shown to do more than raise tax money by ticketing drivers - they have been saving lives.

Red light crash research collected by The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, has revealed a 21% decline in the number of red-light crashes after red light cameras were installed in large cities. Additionally, fatal accidents at intersections with traffic signals declined 14% overall after the cameras were installed. This data shows that even if it’s just because of the fear of getting a ticket, drivers not running red lights as much has made a big impact on the number of fatal crashes in these cities.

Raising Awareness To Stop Red Light Running

In an effort to save lives and reduce the number of red-light crashes the National Coalition for Safer Roads (NCSR) has promoted National Stop On Red Week. Running from August 2nd to August 8th, National Stop On Red Week is a public awareness campaign attempting to keep communities across the country safer by informing drivers of the dangers red light running poses and the impact they have on real people.

View the #StopOnRed2021 facebook page

Friday - The Deadliest Day For Red Light Running Crashes

Drivers should be extra careful on Friday afternoons, as data has shown that Friday afternoons have the most red-light running crashes. In fact, in 2018 alone 661,005 drivers were cited for running red lights on Friday.

Getting Involved In Making Our Community Safer

So how can the average person help reduce red-light running on Florida’s roads?

• Always stop on red.

• When a light turns green always look both ways to check for anyone running the red light

• If you have other family members that drive, talk to them about red lights, and how dangerous it is to run through an intersection.

• Help spread awareness by sharing the Stop On Red page on social media with your friends. Yes, they may roll their eyes, but they may also think about what they do behind the wheel a little more too.

What If I have been hit by a red light runner?

If you, or someone you know has been injured after being hit by a red light runner it’s important to get legal representation. Injuries from serious auto accidents can have long-lasting damaging effects on the injured person and their entire family. Your insurance company will be reluctant to fully compensate the injured person, possibly leaving them with unpaid medical bills, lost wages, and expensive ongoing physical therapy sessions that may exceed the offered settlement.

To ensure the best outcome for recovery after a serious crash, hire an experienced personal injury lawyer. On average injured people get over 30% more compensation than when they go it alone.

Contact All Injuries Law Firm at 941 625 4878 today for your free attorney consultation, and get the most compensation for your injury under the law.

Top 5 Reasons To Stop On Red

Top 5 Reasons To Stop On Red