How Dog Owners Can Stay Legally Safe

This is important in Florida because it isn't a "three strike" state for dogs. Even if you didn't know your dog was aggressive, that's no legal protection against being held responsible in the case of your dog attacking someone. So the responsibility for being a dog owner doesn't just extend to caring for the dog but ensuring others' safety around the dog. Here are some ways you can maintain this obligation and protect yourself and your dog from legal trouble.
Confine The Dog When You're Not There
You may value your dog's ability to add more security to your home. Still, there is a difference between an uninvited visitor who is a thief looking to steal valuables and an uninvited visitor who is a postal worker or courier delivering a package that you ordered.
Suppose you know your dog reacts badly to strangers. In that case, you should never leave your animal in a position where it can attack visitors who may not be invited ahead of time but have a legal right to visit your property. Make sure your dog has no access to whatever area you have designated for dropping off packages.
Respect Leash Laws
It is illegal for any dog to be off-leash while outside unless it is in areas specifically designated as "off-leash parks." This is both for the dog's safety and the safety of those in public around the dog. Even if your dog generally obeys your commands, there is always a small chance that it may not follow your directives in time.
As one example, if your dog is not on a leash and crosses the street without you know it, there is a chance it could be hit and run over by a vehicle. If it had been on a leash, it could never have gotten that far. Conversely, if your dog chases after a cyclist or even a running child, the hunting instinct may cause it to attack that person.
Always Supervise Child/Dog Interactions
This is perhaps the most important safety tip. Animals can be unpredictable, especially if they feel threatened, and young children are usually ignorant of how to safely interact with animals until adults properly teach them. An unsupervised child could pull on a dog's ears, tail, or even strike the dog, causing the dog to retaliate.
Make sure you watch any interactions between children and your dog, especially if you're informed the child doesn't have much dog experience. And remember that if someone's dog bites you, we can help. Just talk to our attorneys for dog bite, and see how you should move forward.