How To Avoid Accidents During Inclement Weather In Port Charlotte

Common Causes Of Auto Accidents During Bad Weather In Florida
Bad weather is not ideal for driving in any state. During heavy downpour or hurricane season, drivers must be careful because they most likely have low visibility, which makes it difficult to predict one's surroundings and react appropriately. Drivers should also watch out for hydroplaning or losing traction when driving on roads with standing water or puddles. These are dangerous as drivers lose control of their cars in these situations.
Low visibility, hydroplaning, low tread are the most common reasons drivers lose control of their vehicles during bad weather. This is why it's important to exercise extra caution when driving in inclement weather.
Tips To Avoid Accidents During Inclement Weather
Watch Your Speed
Water reduces the traction between the road and your tires, which reduces your control of the car. Wet roads, thus, increase chances of skidding instead of stopping when you hit the brakes. Not even new cars or new tires are immune to this. The only solution is to minimize chances of skidding by limiting your speed during bad weather.
Keep Your Hands On The Wheel
A lot of people are fond of cruise control. It is, indeed, a convenient feature. However, cruise control is not recommended during inclement weather because road conditions are much more unpredictable. More specifically, cruise control automatically accelerates when your car begins to hydroplane. This is bad news as you will end up without control of your vehicle, increasing your chances of getting into an accident. Leave cruise control for sunnier days and stay in full control of your car during rainy days.
Handling Hydroplaning
When you feel your car start to be loose and the rear end move squirrelly, your car may be hydroplaning. When you notice this happen, your instinct may be to turn your steering wheel. But this is the wrong move as this could cause your car to swerve. The safe way to handle hydroplaning is by gently lifting your foot off the gas pedal and then gently hitting the brakes. This will allow your car to slow down and regain contact with the road.
Turn On Your Lights
Heavy rains may make visibility low. This means that drivers have difficulty seeing other vehicles on the road. If you find yourself driving during low visibility, turn on your headlights. This will not only let you see other cars better, but it will also allow other cars to see you. With lights on, you can avoid crashing into other cars nearby.
Keep A Safe Distance
As you may have noticed, a lot of things could go wrong when driving in inclement weather. You don't only have to worry about your vehicle hydroplaning or skidding, you have to consider that these things could also happen to other drivers. Since not everyone may know how to handle these situations, it is best to be defensive when driving in inclement weather. The safe distance during normal driving conditions is three to four seconds between you and the car before you.
However, in bad weather, you should double this, so keep a six- to eight-second distance between you and other cars to avoid collision should anything go wrong. It is also best to avoid overtaking during these conditions. Do not be impatient!
Stay In The Middle Lane
It's common for water to pool in the outer edges of roads. So, driving in the middle lanes or in the middle of the road will reduce your chances of hydroplaning or skidding. Still, watch out for pools of water or puddles that may fill up potholes in the middle of the road.
Wait It Out
Your best course of action to avoid accidents is to simply not drive during extremely bad weather. Assess the weather before leaving and, if possible, delay driving if the weather is really bad. When there is zero visibility, no amount of care can guarantee that you will get to your destination safely.
Auto accidents during inclement weather are complicated since, they are often severe and tend to depend on the drivers' words. If you or your loved one was recently in a car accident during bad weather in Port Charlotte, consult with an experienced accident lawyer to ensure that you get the appropriate compensation.