How To Make An Insurance Claim In Florida After An Auto Accident

What To Do Right After The Accident
What you do immediately after the car accident will affect your insurance claim. Set yourself up for success by doing these things after the accident:
• Stop And Call For Help
The first thing to do after an accident is to call 911, as well as the police. Even if you don’t think you or the other driver were hurt, it’s still imperative to get checked by medical experts because you could have injuries that you didn’t notice. It is your legal obligation to remain at the scene until authorities arrive.
• Document The Incident
If you were not hurt, start taking pictures of the accident for documentation. Write down what you remember happened so you don’t forget the facts. Don’t rely solely on your memory because it
could fail you.
You should also get the information of the other party. Be careful while you communicate with the other party—do not say or imply that you were not hurt (this could be used to discredit your claim) or that you think they are under the influence (to avoid possible fights). If possible, get the details of witnesses as well.
• Report The Accident
Once the police arrive at the scene, they will take note of important details and then interview you. Give them a detailed and accurate recounting of the accident. Report any injuries and damages as well. All these will be helpful when you file an insurance claim.
• Seek Medical Attention
If the responders do not transport you to the hospital after the accident, make sure to visit one to make sure that all your injuries are properly identified and treated. There may be internal injuries that the first responders were unable to detect. Furthermore, if there were any severe injuries, the medical report from the hospital will help with your claim later on.
Filing A Claim
Since Florida is a no-fault state, you will need to file a claim regardless of who is at fault.
• Prepare The Documents
Before you contact your insurance company, which you should do as soon as possible, make sure you have all the necessary information first. Organize all your documentation of the accident as well as of your injuries and cost of your medical treatment.
You should also check if your insurance can cover the damages caused by the accident. This will give you an idea whether you only need to file an insurance claim or if you also need to file a lawsuit against the other driver.
• Contacting The Insurance Company
When you’re ready, speak with your insurance company’s agent. You should do this within the required timeframe, however, so don’t take too long. If possible, contact them right after the accident.
They should inform you of the forms and documents you’ll need to submit and when. If, however, they ask you to give a recorded statement, refuse to give one because this statement could be misconstrued and used against your claim.
• Contact A Personal Injury Lawyer In Florida
Insurance companies always find ways to minimize their expenses, so they may try various tricks to minimize your claim’s value. They may try to get you to accept a lowball offer or discredit your injuries. It is best to have an experienced car crash lawyer on your side to guide you through the whole process. A lawyer will help you prepare the necessary documents and, most importantly, deal with the insurance company while you recover from the accident.
In case the injuries and damages exceed your insurance’s coverage, your lawyer can also help you prepare and file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver so that they are held accountable for the damages they caused you.
Contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Florida to help you protect your rights after an auto accident.