How To Shop For Safe Toys

Check For Toy Recalls
Before buying any new toys, you should check to make sure the toy has not been recalled. Recalls are a complicated process and do not always mean sellers will pull the toy from the shelves. Often times, the company will simply send consumers a replacement part. You can search for the latest toy recalls at the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website at:
Avoid Choking And Suffocation Hazards
If the toy has not been recalled, then you want to check to make sure the toy has no dangerous parts. The most common injury from toys is choking hazards, so pay special attention to those. Here are a list of things to avoid when purchasing a toy:
- Small removable parts: Smart parts are the most dangerous choking hazard. So make sure when you pick out a toy it doesn’t have any small pieces or removable parts a child could choke on.
- Pieces that resemble food or candy: Some toys like kitchen sets are designed to help familiarize children with cooking and food. However, children may be tempted to eat small toys that look like food or are even food scented. So if you are buying children these kinds of toys make sure the pieces are big enough they will not choke on them.
- Sharp edges: Most toys for children under the age of 8 do not have sharp edges. However, sometimes if a toy breaks or cracks, a sharp edge can appear. These present a danger to a child and should be removed immediately.
- Plastic film: Plastic film is often used to protect toys during shipping. However plastic film is a serious suffocation hazard, so make sure to always unwrap your child’s toys thoroughly before giving them to your children.
- Straps and strings: Toys with straps, strings, or ropes should be avoided because these things can get loose and provide a choking hazard to smaller children.
Other Things To Avoid
Beyond choking hazards there’s a few other things to avoid. You want to avoid giving your children anything that makes loud noises that can damage their hearing. You should also avoid avoid anything that shoots hard projectiles. Furthermore, if you are giving your child a riding toy like a motorized vehicle, make sure they only ride while closely supervised. Riding toys account for nearly a third of all accidents. Finally, make sure any toy you give your child is age appropriate. Toys made for older children have less safety requirements and even advanced children may be put at risk by playing with a toy beyond their age.
If you follow these basic guidelines when shopping for toys, you can have a bit of peace of mind knowing you’ve reduced the hazards toys can present. Unfortunately, not all accidents are preventable, so if your child has been injured by a toy, whether it was recalled or just unsafe, you should contact the experienced attorneys at All Injuries Law Firm. Our experienced attorneys understand the stress of a toy-related injury and help fight so that your child is protected. So contact us today for a free consultation.