Hurricane Season In Florida: What You Need To Know

Even when we take the proper precautions, there is still a chance that our home and property will suffer damage. It is also possible that hurricanes will result in personal injury as well. Today, we will go over a few things you can do to help avoid personal injury, damage, and other types of loss during hurricane season.
Not Being Prepared
The worst thing you can do is to not prepare at all. If you have hurricane shutters, make sure they are properly installed. If not, the shutters could come down during the hurricane and lead to personal injury and property damage. If it was the fault of the manufacturer or the installer, you might be entitled to compensation for those damages.
Property Negligence
As a property owner, you have the responsibility to keep everyone who visits your property safe and to alert them regarding any potential dangers that may exist. To prepare for a hurricane, you need to close the gas lines, clear the yard and the rest of the property of any debris, and trim back branches and limbs.
You should also avoid claiming that your building is a hurricane shelter if it is not. Official hurricane shelters can typically be found in churches, schools, and community centers, as long as they meet the criteria and standards. The building needs to be strong enough to protect everyone inside.
If someone becomes injured or dies because of a false claim that a building is a hurricane shelter, then the owner of the building may be liable for damages.
Neglecting The Cleanup Process
Once the hurricane has passed, it is up to the owner to clean up their property and to get rid of all the debris. If you leave any fallen debris or anything else that can pose a safety risk for anyone visiting the property, then you may be liable for damages if someone were to get injured.
If you leave debris untouched and it begins to decay, it can cause infestations and even diseases to run rampant. If that is the case, then it is also the opportunity for a lawsuit against the property owner because they neglected to complete the cleanup process following the hurricane.
Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, you want to make sure you adhere to safety guidelines and do your best to prepare for any natural disaster that might come your way. If not, you may be leaving yourself open to a lawsuit if someone were to become injured or die as the result of your negligence.
If you or someone you know has been injured because of the negligence of another, contact an experienced personal injury attorney to help with your claim. They can walk you through the process and fill you in on what you can expect.