If Someone’s Negligence Takes Your Loved One’s Life, Contact A Wrongful Death Attorney

If you think people don't die all that often in these disasters, you might want to think again. According to the FLHSMV, The Sunshine State accounted for 734 pedestrian fatalities in 2019, and things weren't much better here in 2018, with 720 lives lost. The point is that wrongful deaths do happen because of pedestrian crashes, and many times, they take place because of driver negligence. Of course, many negligent or reckless acts can lead to wrecks, but some of the most common issues that cause them are:
• Distracted driving
• Drunk driving
• Breaking traffic laws
• Drowsy driving
Should You Hire A Wrongful Death Attorney?
When negligence is responsible for claiming the life of a loved one, you might have the grounds to seek compensation from the responsible party. But why would you need to do that? Because the final expenses of your family member could fall right into your lap, that's why. You might be on the hook paying for things like medical bills and a funeral, which can throw your financial state into chaos.
Have you been to the doctor or had something done at a hospital lately? If so, then you know those items can get pretty pricey in a hurry. As for funerals, they typically aren't cheap either. In fact, Policygenius states that they run people between $8,000 and $10,000 these days. Regardless of how you look at it, that's a lot of money. And, what about lost income?
If one or more relatives rely on a person for support, how are they supposed to pay for anything? All of these issues are why you should contact a wrongful death attorney after someone's negligence claims the life of a loved one. They'll gather evidence to build a case that establishes your position in the matter. Then, the lawsuit will be prepared for trial and ready to go the distance if need be. Why if? Well, if an insurance company is involved, its representatives may choose to avoid a situation with a judge/jury. Many times, these organizations would rather settle than lose, as the latter could cost them small fortunes.
What Firm Should You Call?
We understand that there are plenty of law firms to choose from in Venice. As such, it can be challenging to find the very best fit to represent you in a wrongful death case. However, you're here, so that means you've already taken the first step to finding a top-notch attorney. All Injuries Law Firm, P.A., has you covered in this area. Our team has been serving Venice, Port Charlotte, and the surrounding locations for more than 30 years. So, if experience matters, as it should, please, don't hesitate to give us a call.
The initial case evaluation with a wrongful death attorney will be free. Hence, if you're worried about money, don't be. Instead, give us a call to schedule an appointment whenever you get ready. The lawyer will hear you out and discuss your options with you, and it won't cost you a dime.