Important Things To Know In A Slip And Fall Injury Case

Any number of conditions can be hazardous. A spill on the floor, wet and slippery sidewalks, or debris on a walkway can appear quickly, and they can have devastating consequences. In those instances, a property owner is liable should an accident occur resulting in injury.
Slip And Fall Injury Law
There are a number of things to consider when it comes to slip and fall injury cases. Learning about slip and fall injury law in Florida is important if you believe you have a case on your hands. Some important factors to think about are:
• Statute of limitations – Each state will have their own statutes of limitations when it comes to slip and fall cases. The statute of limitations is the amount of time a person has to file a lawsuit after a slip and fall injury occurs. In the state of Florida, you have 4 years from the date of your incident to file a lawsuit for compensation if you desire. While a person may have 4 years to deal with the situation, filing a suit as soon as possible is recommended in order to have a successful settlement.
• Your awards for damages – When determining the compensation amount or the awards for damages, there are two important factors to take into consideration. The first is the extent of your injuries, and the second is the amount of liability resting on the property owner. If it’s found that the property owner is not entirely liable, they may only need to pay a partial amount of a settlement.
• The seriousness of your injuries – It’s not just the severity of your initial injury that counts but also the seriousness of your injuries going forward. A broken leg is a major injury, but a broken leg that will affect your mobility for life is far more devastating.
A good example of degree of injury can be found in a 2019 Tallahassee case, when someone slipped and fell on ice melt in a convenience store. Her medical costs were around $110,000, but the injuries she sustained required multiple surgeries and ongoing physical therapy. Due to the permanent damage she suffered, she was awarded $1.9 million in her settlement.
• The need to prove liability – Proving liability can be a difficult piece of a personal injury suit puzzle. When proving your case, you also need to establish that the property owner was responsible for your injuries due to their own negligence. Taking photos of the area after a slip and fall or having another person take those photos for you can be invaluable evidence. Your personal injury lawyer can walk you through the evidence collection process and help you to get the proof of liability you need.
If you’ve been in a slip and fall accident that resulted in injury, a personal injury lawyer is your best line of defense. To speak with a seasoned personal injury lawyer to assist with your case, contact us at All Injuries Law Firm, P.A. today.